Investigation on a mitigation scheme to resist the progressive collapse of reinforced concrete buildings
Investigation on a mitigation scheme to resist the progressive collapse of reinforced concrete buildings
This study presents the investigation of the approach which was presented by Thaer M. Saeed Alrudaini to provide the alternate load path to redistribute residual loads and preventing from the potential progressive collapse of RC buildings. It was proposed to transfer the residual loads upwards above the failed column of RC buildings by vertical cables hanged at the top to a hat steel braced frame seated on top of the building which in turn redistributes the residual loads to the adjacent columns. In this study a ten-storey regular structural building has been considered to investigate progressive collapse potential. Structural design is based on ACI 318-08 concrete building code for special RC frames and the nonlinear dynamic analysis is carried out using SAP2000 software, following UFC4-023-03 document. Nine independent failure scenarios are adopted in the investigation, including six external removal cases in different floors and three removal cases in the first floor. A new detail is proposed by using barrel and wedge to improve residual forces transfer to the cables after removal of the columns. Simulation results show that progressive collapse of building that resulted from potential failure of columns located in floors can be efficiently resisted by using this method.
prevent progressive collapse / alternate load path / reinforced concrete buildings / nonlinear dynamic / retrofitting / cable / steel hat braced frame / barrel and wedge
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