Development of a constitutive model for rockfills and similar granular materials based on the disturbed state concept


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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2012, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (4) : 365-378. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-012-0178-2

Development of a constitutive model for rockfills and similar granular materials based on the disturbed state concept

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Behavior of rockfills was investigated experimentally and theoretically. A series of standard triaxial compression tests were carried out on a quarried rockfill material at different stress levels. It was found that both the stress level and the shear stress ratio, like most of granular materials, controls the behavior of rockfill materials. At lower shear stress ratios the behavior is much more similar to a nonlinear elastic solid. When the shear stress goes further, the stress-strain curve shows an elasto-plastic behavior which suggests using the disturbed state concept to develop a constitutive model to predict the stress-strain behavior. The presented constitutive model complies reasonably with the experimental data.


constitutive model / granular material / rockfill / plasticity / disturbed state concept / stress level

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Mehdi VEISKARAMI, Ali GHORBANI, Mohammadreza ALAVIPOUR. Development of a constitutive model for rockfills and similar granular materials based on the disturbed state concept. Front Struc Civil Eng, 2012, 6(4): 365‒378


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