The behavior of a rectangular closed diaphragm wall when used as a bridge foundation
Qiangong CHENG, Jiujiang WU, Zhang SONG, Hua WEN
The behavior of a rectangular closed diaphragm wall when used as a bridge foundation
The rectangular closed diaphragm (RCD) wall is a new type of bridge foundation. Compared to barrette foundation, measuring the performance of RCD walls is relatively complicated because of their incorporation of a soil core. Using the FLAC3D software, this paper investigates the deformation properties, soil resistance and skin friction of a laterally loaded RCD wall as well as the settlement, axial force and load-sharing ratio of a vertically loaded RCD wall. Special attention is given to the analysis of factors that influence the performance of the soil core. It was found that under lateral loading, the RCD wall behaves as an end-bearing friction wall during the entire loading process. The relative displacement between the wall body and the soil core primarily occurs below the rotation point, and the horizontal displacement of the soil core is greater than that of the wall body. Under vertical loading, the degree of inner skin friction around the bottom of the soil core and the proportion of the loading supported by the soil core increase with increased cross-section size. The wall depth is directly proportional to the loading supported by the outer skin friction and the tip resistance of the wall body and is inversely proportional to the loading borne by the soil core.
diaphragm wall / soil core / bridge foundation / FLAC3D / bearing behavior
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Nomenclature | |
D: wall depth; | L: length of exterior boundary; |
l: side length of soil core; | T: thickness of cap; |
t: wall thickness; | d: depth of wall end in bearing stratum; |
Q: load on wall top in a vertical loading scheme; | H0: load on wall top in a lateral loading scheme; |
Els: elastic modulus of lateral soil; | Ebs: elastic modulus of bottom soil; |
Ew: elastic modulus of wall concrete; | S: settlement; |
Sz: vertical settlement in the lateral loading scheme; | σz: vertical stress; |
Sh: horizontal displacement; | Sv: vertical displacement in the vertical loading scheme; |
ΔS: relative displacement; | ΔSh: relative horizontal displacement; |
ΔSv: relative vertical displacement; | F: shear; |
M: moment; N: axial force; | |
θ: angular displacement; | Rob: soil resistance of outside back wall; |
Rib: soil resistance of inside back wall; | Rof: soil resistance of outside front wall; |
Rif: soil resistance of inside front wall; | fob: outer skin friction of back wall; |
fib: inner skin friction of back wall; | fof: outer skin friction of front wall; |
fif: inner skin friction of front wall; | fol: outer skin friction of lateral wall; |
fil: inner skin friction of lateral wall; | |
fo/Qi: load-sharing ratio of outer skin friction, in which fo is the outer skin friction, Qi represents the loading on wall top, subscript i represents the loading level ranging from 0 to 14 and Q is the last level; | |
Rt/Qi: load sharing-ratio of the tip resistance of wall, where Rt represents the tip resistance of wall; | |
Qfc/Qi: load sharing-ratio of the soil core, where Qfc is the total sum of the inner skin friction and the counterforce on the top |
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