Research review of the cement sand and gravel (CSG) dam
Xin CAI, Yingli WU, Xingwen GUO, Yu MING
Research review of the cement sand and gravel (CSG) dam
The cement sand and gravel (CSG) dam is a new style of dam that owes the advantages both of the concrete faced rock-fill dam (CRFD) and roller compacted concrete (RCC) gravity dam, because of which it has attracted much attention of experts home and abroad. At present, some researches on physic-mechanical property of CSG material and work behavior of CSG dam have been done. This paper introduces the development and characteristics of CSG dam systematically, and summarizes the progress of the study on basic tests, constitutive relation of CSG material and numerical analysis of CSG dam, in addition, indicates research and application aspect of the dam.
cement sand and gravel (CSG) dam / cement sand and gravel (CSG) material / research review
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