Seismic analysis of a super high-rise steel structure with horizontal strengthened storeys
Yuanqing WANG, Hui ZHOU, Yongjiu SHI, Yi HUANG, Gang SHI, Siqing WEN
Seismic analysis of a super high-rise steel structure with horizontal strengthened storeys
Horizontal strengthened storeys are widely used in super high-rise steel structures to improve the lateral structural rigidity. This use has great effects on the seismic properties of the entire structure. The seismic properties of the Wuhan International Securities Building (a 68-storey super high-rise steel structure with three horizontal strengthened storeys) were evaluated in this study. Two approaches, i.e., mode-superposition response spectrum analysis and time-history analysis, were employed to calculate the seismic response of the structure. The response spectrum analysis indicated that transition parts near the three strengthened storeys were weak zones of the structure because of the abrupt change in rigidity. In the response spectrum analysis approach, the Square Root of Sum of Square (SRSS) method was recommended when the vertical seismic effects could be ignored. However, the complete quadratic combination (CQC) method was superior to SRSS method when the vertical seismic effects should be considered. With the aid of time-history analysis, the seismic responses of the structure were obtained. The whiplash effect that spectrum analysis cannot reveal was observed through time-history analysis. This study provides references for the seismic design of super high-rise steel structures with horizontal strengthened storeys.
seismic analysis / steel structure / super high-rise / horizontal strengthened storey / response spectrum analysis / time-history analysis
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