Survey of thermal comfort in residential buildings under natural conditions in hot humid and cold wet seasons in Nanjing
Changhai PENG
Survey of thermal comfort in residential buildings under natural conditions in hot humid and cold wet seasons in Nanjing
Comfort standards (ISO 7730, ASHRAE 55) specify the exact physical criteria for producing acceptable thermal environments, such as temperature, air movement, and humidity limits. These, however, are often difficult to comply with, particularly in hot humid and cold wet seasons in Nanjing, China. Changing expectations of comfort is important in evaluating comfort, since naturally conditioned buildings in Nanjing are not typically air-conditioned. For this objective, a field study was conducted during the summer of 2000 and the winter of 2001. A total of 600 participants each answered a subjective questionnaire. Analyzing these field data shows that in natural conditions, the influence of gender and age on people’s thermal sensations is insignificant compared with six main variables. In addition, people’s thermal discomfort rapidly increases along with growth in relative humidity. Further, the variation of people’s hot or cold sensations is in proportion to that of air movement, and the effect in winter is greater than that in summer. The range of acceptable temperatures in hot humid and cold wet Nanjing is between 14.14°C and 29.42°C.
thermal comfort / naturally conditioned / hot humid / cold wet / Nanjing
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