Hazard potential of zones of weakness in gravity dams under impact loading conditions
Hazard potential of zones of weakness in gravity dams under impact loading conditions
Dam constructions worldwide are designed and constructed in view of the strictest safety aspects for all static and dynamic load cases. As experience shows, however, formation of cracks in the “homogeneos concrete” as well as unsatisfactory compound behavior of lift joints are not to be excluded. These zones of weakness especially on the upstream side of the dam— exposed to high water pressure (static and dynamic)— represent an increased risk of safety. The main investigation, apart from the computation of the dynamic effects on the dam as a global structure, focuses on the stability analysis of a pressure-water filled crack configuration subjected to “dynamic loading” in the form of seismic action on the dam-reservoir-system and alternatively by “impact spot-loading” within sectors of the reservoir. A fracture mechanics based analysis shows an excessive potential of damage for the afflicted structure.
dam-reservoir / earthquake / impact / cracking / fracture mechanics
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