Analysis of catchment evapotranspiration at different scales using bottom-up and top-down approaches

Xiangyu XU,Dawen YANG,

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2010, Vol. 4 ›› Issue (1) : 65-77. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-010-0002-9
Research articles

Analysis of catchment evapotranspiration at different scales using bottom-up and top-down approaches

  • Xiangyu XU,Dawen YANG,
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Physically-based hydrological models are used to predict catchment water balance through detailed simulation of hydrological processes at small temporal and spatial scales. However, annual catchment water balance can also be easily and simply predicted using lumped conceptual model. Comparison between physically-based hydrological models and lumped conceptual models can help us understand the dominant factors on catchment water balance at different scales. In this paper, a distributed physically-based hydrological model (i.e., bottom-up approach) and a simple water-energy balance model (i.e., top-down approach) are used to predict actual evapotranspiration in nine sub-catchments, and the whole basin of the Luan River in northern China. Both simulations give very close values of annual evapotranspiration and show the same complementary relationship between actual and potential evapotranspiration at annual time scale. From the analysis at different time scales through comparison of the top-down and the bottom-up methods, it is shown that the annual catchment evapotranspiration is controlled mainly by annual precipitation and potential evapotranspiration, and the variability of soil water and vegetation becomes more important at a smaller time scale in the study areas. It is also known that the relationship between potential and actual evapotranspiration shows a highly nonlinear relationship at the annual and catchment scale but can be simplified to a linear relationship at hourly temporal and hillslope scales, which is commonly used in the physically-based hydrological models.


catchment evapotranspiration / distributed hydrological model / water-energy balance model / top-down and bottom-up approaches

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Xiangyu XU, Dawen YANG,. Analysis of catchment evapotranspiration at different scales using bottom-up and top-down approaches. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2010, 4(1): 65‒77
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