Simulation model based on Monte Carlo method for traffic assignment in local area road network
Yuchuan DU, Yuanjing GENG, Lijun SUN
Simulation model based on Monte Carlo method for traffic assignment in local area road network
For a local area road network, the available traffic data of traveling are the flow volumes in the key intersections, not the complete OD matrix. Considering the circumstance characteristic and the data availability of a local area road network, a new model for traffic assignment based on Monte Carlo simulation of intersection turning movement is provided in this paper. For good stability in temporal sequence, turning ratio is adopted as the important parameter of this model. The formulation for local area road network assignment problems is proposed on the assumption of random turning behavior. The traffic assignment model based on the Monte Carlo method has been used in traffic analysis for an actual urban road network. The results comparing surveying traffic flow data and determining flow data by the previous model verify the applicability and validity of the proposed methodology.
traffic assignment / local area road network / turning ratio / Monte Carlo method
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