Study on shear resistance of aluminum alloy I-section members

DONG Zhen1, ZHANG Qilin2

Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (1) : 79-86. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-008-0007-9

Study on shear resistance of aluminum alloy I-section members

  • DONG Zhen1, ZHANG Qilin2
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The design method for the shear resistance of aluminum alloy I-section members is presented, taking into consideration of the post-buckling strength of webs and the restraint effect of flanges, and the practical design formulas are proposed. The deflection of aluminum alloy I-section members under concentrated load is simulated by using the finite element method, and several design theories are discussed. The relation of shear resistance to the maximum web displacement reflects that the web of aluminum alloy I-section member is under fewer shears buckling force, while the whole member has higher shear resistance. However, the traditional design method is not able to give the real shear resistance of aluminum alloy I-section members. The proposed design formulas for the shear resistance of aluminum alloy I-section members is used to calculate accurately the post-buckling resistance of webs and the shear resistance contribution of flanges. The results are in a great agreement with the test data of Hamoodi M J, Burt C A, Evans H R and the results from Eurocode9 formulas.

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DONG Zhen, ZHANG Qilin. Study on shear resistance of aluminum alloy I-section members. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2008, 2(1): 79‒86


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