Sep 2009, Volume 4 Issue 3

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    Jianhong WU, Xingfu Zou
    Junping SHI

    Recent advances in abstract local and global bifurcation theory is briefly reviewed. Several applications are included to illustrate the applications of abstract theory, and it includes Turing instability of chemical reactions, pattern formation in water limited ecosystems, and diffusive predator-prey models.

    Jinqiao DUAN

    Model uncertainties or simulation uncertainties occur in mathematical modeling of multiscale complex systems, since some mechanisms or scales are not represented (i.e., ‘unresolved’) due to a lack in our understanding of these mechanisms or limitations in computational power. The impact of these unresolved scales on the resolved scales needs to be parameterized or taken into account. A stochastic scheme is devised to take the effects of unresolved scales into account, in the context of solving nonlinear partial differential equations. An example is presented to demonstrate this strategy.

    Qiuxiang FENG, Rong YUAN

    In this paper, the existence of almost periodic solutions is studied via the Lyapunov function. Razumikhin type theorems are established on the existence, uniqueness and uniformly asymptotic stability of almost periodic solutions. Two examples are given to explain our results.

    Jiansheng GENG

    In this paper, we show that there are almost periodic solutions corresponding to full dimensional invariant tori for higher dimensional Schr?odinger equations with Fourier multiplier iutu+Mξu+f(|u|2)u = 0, subject to periodic boundary conditions, where the nonlinearity f is a realanalytic function near u = 0 with f(0) = 0.The proof is based on an improved infinite dimensional KAM theorem.


    In this paper, we introduce a new notion called rapid ?uctuation to characterize the complexity of a general topological dynamical system. As a continuation of the former work [Huang, Chen, Ma, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 2006, 323: 228-252], here we prove that a Lipschitz dynamical system de?ned on a compact metric space has a rapid ?uctuation if it has either a quasi shift invariant set or a topological horseshoe. As an application, the rapid ?uctuation of a discrete predator-prey model is considered.

    Jing LIU, Chunhua OU

    We investigate the effect and the impact of predator-prey interactions, diffusivity and chemotaxis on the ability of survival of multiple consumer levels in a predator-prey microbial food chain. We aim at answering the question of how many consumer levels can survive from a dynamical system point of view. To solve this standing issue on food-chain length, first we construct a chemotactic food chain model. A priori bounds of the steady state populations are obtained. Then under certain sufficient conditions combining the effect of conversion efficiency, diffusivity and chemotaxis parameters, we derive the co-survival of all consumer levels, thus obtaining the food chain length of our model. Numerical simulations not only confirm our theoretical results, but also demonstrate the impact of conversion efficiency, diffusivity and chemotaxis behavior on the survival and stability of various consumer levels.

    Wenxian SHEN

    The current paper deals with spatial spreading and front propagating dynamics for spatially discrete KPP (Kolmogorov, Petrovsky and Paskunov) models in time recurrent environments, which include time periodic and almost periodic environments as special cases. The notions of spreading speed interval, generalized propagating speed interval, and traveling wave solutions are first introduced, which are proper modifications of those introduced for spatially continuous KPP models in time almost periodic environments. Among others, it is then shown that the spreading speed interval in a given direction is the minimal generalized propagating speed interval in that direction. Some important upper and lower bounds for the spreading and generalized propagating speed intervals are provided. When the environment is unique ergodic and the so called linear determinacy condition is satisfied, it is shown that the spreading speed interval in any direction is a singleton (called the spreading speed), which equals the classical spreading speed if the environment is actually periodic. Moreover, in such a case, a variational principle for the spreading speed is established and it is shown that there is a front of speed c in a given direction if and only if c is greater than or equal to the spreading speed in that direction.

    Bixiang WANG

    We study the long time behavior of solutions of the non-autonomous reaction-diffusion equation defined on the entire space Rn when external terms are unbounded in a phase space. The existence of a pullback global attractor for the equation is established in L2(Rn) and H1(Rn), respectively. The pullback asymptotic compactness of solutions is proved by using uniform a priori estimates on the tails of solutions outside bounded domains.

    Meirong ZHANG

    In this paper, by considering ordinary differential equation (ODE) as a special case and a starting point of delay differential equation (DDE), we will show that some typical topological methods such as continuation theorems can be applied to detect some dynamics of DDE like periodic solutions. Several problems will be presented.