Acronyms |
A-R-OPF | Active-reactive optimal power flow |
AC | Absorption chillers |
ACOPF | Alternating current optimal power flow |
CCHP | Combined cooling, heating, and power |
DG | Distributed generators |
DPV | Distributed photovoltaic |
EC | Electric chillers |
GB | Gas boilers |
GDN | Gas distribution network |
GT | Gas turbines |
HSS | Heat storage systems |
IEGN | Integrated electricity-gas network |
MMG | Multi-microgrids |
OID | Optimal inverter dispatch |
PCS | Power conditioning systems |
PDN | Power distribution network |
P2G | Power to gas |
SOC | Second-order cone |
WHB | Waste heat boilers |
Indices |
i/j | Index of nodes in the PDN |
ij | Index of branches in the PDN |
I/J | Set of the beginning/ending nodes of the branches in the PDN |
m | Index of the microgrids |
M | Set of the nodes of the PDN where the microgrids are located |
t | Index of time slots |
uv | Index of branches in the GDN |
u/v | Index of nodes in the GDN |
U/V | Set of the beginning/ending nodes of the pipelines in the GDN |
Parameters |
| Charging/discharging power of the power storage system of node i of the PDN at the tth hour |
Cuv | Weymouth equation coefficient |
| Active/reactive power price of the utility grid at the tth hour |
| Operation cost of the distributed photovoltaic of node i in the distribution network, which is assumed to be a constant |
COPAC | Coefficient of performance of the absorption chiller in the mth microgrid |
COPEC | Performance coefficient of the electrical chiller in the mth microgrid |
| Coefficient of the cost function of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid |
| Coefficient of the cost function of the electrical chiller/absorption chiller in the mth microgrid |
| Coefficient of the cost function of the waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid |
| Purchased gas cost of the mth microgrids at the tth hour |
| Operation cost of the distributed photovoltaic of node i in the distribution network |
| Operation cost of the ESS of node i in the distribution network |
| Amount of electricity stored in the energy storage system of node i of the PDN at the tth hour |
| Heating power production of the gas boiler of the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Heating power absorption of the absorption chiller of the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Charging/discharging power of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Heating and cooling power loads of the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Minimum/maximum heating power consumption of the absorption chiller in the mth microgrid |
| Minimum/maximum heating power absorption of the waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid |
| Minimum/maximum heating power generation of the gas boiler in the mth microgrid |
| Minimum/maximum heating power charging of the heat power storage in the mth microgrid |
| Minimum/maximum heating power discharging of the heat power storage in the mth microgrid |
Iij,t | Current flowing in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour |
| Minimum power factor of the distributed photovoltaic inverter of node i in the PDN |
KG/Km | Utility grid/microgrids located nodes correlation matrix |
KESS/KDPV | ESS/distributed photovoltaic located nodes correlation matrix |
lij,t | Square of the current flowing in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour |
LNG | Heating value of natural gas |
| Coefficient of the cost function of the node i of the electricity storage system (ESS) in the PDN |
| Operation cost of the mth the microgrids at the tth hour |
| Operation cost of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Operation cost of waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Operation cost of the wind turbine of the mth microgrid at the tth hour, which is assumed to be a constant |
| Operation cost of the absorption chiller/electrical chiller of the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
Pij,t | Active power flow in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour |
| Active power consumption of the electrical chiller of the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Maximum forecasted active power production of the distributed photovoltaic of node i in the PDN at the tth hour |
| Active and reactive power loads of the mth microgrid at the tth hour |
| Active/reactive power transported from the utility grid at the tth hour |
| Active and reactive power of node i of the PDN at the tth hour |
| Maximum amount of active/reactive power traded at the point of common coupling between the mth microgrid and the PDN |
| Minimum/maximum active power production of the gas turbine in the mth microgrid |
| Minimum/maximum active power consumption of the electrical chiller in the mth microgrid |
| Minimum/maximum active power transported from the utility grid at the tth hour |
| Maximum amount of active/reactive power traded at the point of common coupling between the mth microgrid and the PDN |
Pm,t/Qm,t | Transported quantity of the mth microgrid of active/reactive power at the tth hour |
| Active/heating power production of the gas turbine at the tth hour |
| Active/reactive power production of the distributed photovoltaic of node i of the PDN at the tth hour |
Qij,t | Reactive power flowing in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour |
| Minimum/maximum reactive power transported from the utility grid at the tth hour |
rij,t/xij,t | Resistance/reactance of branch ij in the distribution network |
| Capacity of the distributed photovoltaic inverter of node i of the PDN |
| Amount of heat stored in the electrical chiller at the tth hour |
| Minimum/maximum state of charge of the ESS in the node i in the PDN |
Vmin,i,t/Vmax,i,t | Voltage limitations of node i in the distribution network |
Vi,t | Nodal voltage in node i in the distribution network at the tth hour |
Ui,t | Square of nodal voltage in node i in the distribution network at the tth hour |
Ub,t | Voltage drop in branch b in the distribution network at the tth hour |
| Limitations of the gas supplied quantity from the gas well at the tth hour |
wuv,t | Gas flow from node u to node v in the GDN at the tth hour |
| Gas production by node u in the gas well at the tth hour |
| Gas consumption by GT/GB at node u in the gas distribution system at the tth hour |
ψmin/ψmax | Limitations of the gas nodal pressure in the GDN at the tth hour |
ρc | Compression factor of the compressor |
ψu,t | Gas nodal pressure in node u in the gas distribution network at the tth hour |
ψct,t/ψcf,t | Gas nodal pressure of the inlet and outlet of the compressor in the GDN at the tth hour |
| Efficiency of the gas turbine in the mth microgrid |
| Efficiency of the gas boiler in the mth microgrid |
| Efficiency of the waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid |
| Charging/discharging efficiency of the ESS of node i in the PDN |
| Charging/discharging efficiency of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid |