Active-reactive power scheduling of integrated electricity-gas network with multi-microgrids

Tao JIANG, Xinru DONG, Rufeng ZHANG, Xue LI, Houhe CHEN, Guoqing LI

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Front. Energy ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2) : 251-265. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-022-0857-1

Active-reactive power scheduling of integrated electricity-gas network with multi-microgrids

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Advances in natural gas-fired technologies have deepened the coupling between electricity and gas networks, promoting the development of the integrated electricity-gas network (IEGN) and strengthening the interaction between the active-reactive power flow in the power distribution network (PDN) and the natural gas flow in the gas distribution network (GDN). This paper proposes a day-ahead active-reactive power scheduling model for the IEGN with multi-microgrids (MMGs) to minimize the total operating cost. Through the tight coupling relationship between the subsystems of the IEGN, the potentialities of the IEGN with MMGs toward multi-energy cooperative interaction is optimized. Important component models are elaborated in the PDN, GDN, and coupled MMGs. Besides, motivated by the non-negligible impact of the reactive power, optimal inverter dispatch (OID) is considered to optimize the active and reactive power capabilities of the inverters of distributed generators. Further, a second-order cone (SOC) relaxation technology is utilized to transform the proposed active-reactive power scheduling model into a convex optimization problem that the commercial solver can directly solve. A test system consisting of an IEEE-33 test system and a 7-node natural gas network is adopted to verify the effectiveness of the proposed scheduling method. The results show that the proposed scheduling method can effectively reduce the power losses of the PDN in the IEGN by 9.86%, increase the flexibility of the joint operation of the subsystems of the IEGN, reduce the total operation costs by $32.20, and effectively enhance the operation economy of the IEGN.

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combined cooling / heating / and power (CCHP) / integrated energy systems (IES) / natural gas / power distribution system / gas distribution system

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Tao JIANG, Xinru DONG, Rufeng ZHANG, Xue LI, Houhe CHEN, Guoqing LI. Active-reactive power scheduling of integrated electricity-gas network with multi-microgrids. Front. Energy, 2023, 17(2): 251‒265


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This work was partially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 51877033, 52061635103, 52007026, and 52077028).


A-R-OPFActive-reactive optimal power flow
ACAbsorption chillers
ACOPFAlternating current optimal power flow
CCHPCombined cooling, heating, and power
DGDistributed generators
DPVDistributed photovoltaic
ECElectric chillers
GBGas boilers
GDNGas distribution network
GTGas turbines
HSSHeat storage systems
IEGNIntegrated electricity-gas network
OIDOptimal inverter dispatch
PCSPower conditioning systems
PDNPower distribution network
P2GPower to gas
SOCSecond-order cone
WHBWaste heat boilers
i/jIndex of nodes in the PDN
ijIndex of branches in the PDN
I/JSet of the beginning/ending nodes of the branches in the PDN
mIndex of the microgrids
MSet of the nodes of the PDN where the microgrids are located
tIndex of time slots
uvIndex of branches in the GDN
u/vIndex of nodes in the GDN
U/VSet of the beginning/ending nodes of the pipelines in the GDN
Bi,tc/Bi,tdCharging/discharging power of the power storage system of node i of the PDN at the tth hour
CuvWeymouth equation coefficient
CtP/CtQActive/reactive power price of the utility grid at the tth hour
Ci,tDPVOperation cost of the distributed photovoltaic of node i in the distribution network, which is assumed to be a constant
COPACCoefficient of performance of the absorption chiller in the mth microgrid
COPECPerformance coefficient of the electrical chiller in the mth microgrid
cmmHSSCoefficient of the cost function of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid
cmmEC/cmmACCoefficient of the cost function of the electrical chiller/absorption chiller in the mth microgrid
cmmWHBCoefficient of the cost function of the waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid
Cm,tgasPurchased gas cost of the mth microgrids at the tth hour
Ci,tDPVOperation cost of the distributed photovoltaic of node i in the distribution network
Ci,tESSOperation cost of the ESS of node i in the distribution network
Ei,tESSAmount of electricity stored in the energy storage system of node i of the PDN at the tth hour
Hm,tGBHeating power production of the gas boiler of the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Hm,tACHeating power absorption of the absorption chiller of the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Hm,tc/Hm,tdCharging/discharging power of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Hm,tD/Cm,tDHeating and cooling power loads of the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Hm,minAC/Hm,maxACMinimum/maximum heating power consumption of the absorption chiller in the mth microgrid
Hm,minWHB/Hm,maxWHBMinimum/maximum heating power absorption of the waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid
Hm,minGB/Hm,maxGBMinimum/maximum heating power generation of the gas boiler in the mth microgrid
Hm,minc/Hm,maxcMinimum/maximum heating power charging of the heat power storage in the mth microgrid
Hm,mind/Hm,maxdMinimum/maximum heating power discharging of the heat power storage in the mth microgrid
Iij,tCurrent flowing in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour
kfiDPVMinimum power factor of the distributed photovoltaic inverter of node i in the PDN
KG/KmUtility grid/microgrids located nodes correlation matrix
KESS/KDPVESS/distributed photovoltaic located nodes correlation matrix
lij,tSquare of the current flowing in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour
LNGHeating value of natural gas
miESSCoefficient of the cost function of the node i of the electricity storage system (ESS) in the PDN
Mm,topOperation cost of the mth the microgrids at the tth hour
Mm,tHSSOperation cost of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Mm,tWHBOperation cost of waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Mm,tWTOperation cost of the wind turbine of the mth microgrid at the tth hour, which is assumed to be a constant
Mm,tAC/Mm,tECOperation cost of the absorption chiller/electrical chiller of the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Pij,tActive power flow in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour
Pm,tECActive power consumption of the electrical chiller of the mth microgrid at the tth hour
Pi,tDPV,maxMaximum forecasted active power production of the distributed photovoltaic of node i in the PDN at the tth hour
Pm,tD/Qm,tDActive and reactive power loads of the mth microgrid at the tth hour
PtG/QtGActive/reactive power transported from the utility grid at the tth hour
Pi,tD/Qi,tDActive and reactive power of node i of the PDN at the tth hour
Pm,maxPCC/Qm,maxPCCMaximum amount of active/reactive power traded at the point of common coupling between the mth microgrid and the PDN
Pm,minGT/Pm,maxGTMinimum/maximum active power production of the gas turbine in the mth microgrid
Pm,minEC/Pm,maxECMinimum/maximum active power consumption of the electrical chiller in the mth microgrid
Pt,minG/Pt,maxGMinimum/maximum active power transported from the utility grid at the tth hour
Pm,maxPCC/Qm,maxPCCMaximum amount of active/reactive power traded at the point of common coupling between the mth microgrid and the PDN
Pm,t/Qm,tTransported quantity of the mth microgrid of active/reactive power at the tth hour
Pm,tGT/Hm,tGTActive/heating power production of the gas turbine at the tth hour
Pi,tDPV/Qi,tDPVActive/reactive power production of the distributed photovoltaic of node i of the PDN at the tth hour
Qij,tReactive power flowing in branch ij in the distribution network at the tth hour
Qt,minG/Qt,maxGMinimum/maximum reactive power transported from the utility grid at the tth hour
rij,t/xij,tResistance/reactance of branch ij in the distribution network
SiDPVCapacity of the distributed photovoltaic inverter of node i of the PDN
Sm,tHSSAmount of heat stored in the electrical chiller at the tth hour
SOCi,minESS/SOCi,maxESSMinimum/maximum state of charge of the ESS in the node i in the PDN
Vmin,i,t/Vmax,i,tVoltage limitations of node i in the distribution network
Vi,tNodal voltage in node i in the distribution network at the tth hour
Ui,tSquare of nodal voltage in node i in the distribution network at the tth hour
Ub,tVoltage drop in branch b in the distribution network at the tth hour
wminwell/wmaxwellLimitations of the gas supplied quantity from the gas well at the tth hour
wuv,tGas flow from node u to node v in the GDN at the tth hour
wtwellGas production by node u in the gas well at the tth hour
wu,tGT/wu,tGBGas consumption by GT/GB at node u in the gas distribution system at the tth hour
ψminmaxLimitations of the gas nodal pressure in the GDN at the tth hour
ρcCompression factor of the compressor
ψu,tGas nodal pressure in node u in the gas distribution network at the tth hour
ψct,tcf,tGas nodal pressure of the inlet and outlet of the compressor in the GDN at the tth hour
ηmGTEfficiency of the gas turbine in the mth microgrid
ηmGBEfficiency of the gas boiler in the mth microgrid
ηmWHBEfficiency of the waste heat boiler in the mth microgrid
ηic,ESS/ηid,ESSCharging/discharging efficiency of the ESS of node i in the PDN
ηmc,HSS/ηmd,HSSCharging/discharging efficiency of the heat storage system in the mth microgrid


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