Tackling climate change and promoting the energy revolution
Received date: 10 Jul 2017
Accepted date: 11 Sep 2017
Published date: 05 Sep 2018
Following the Paris Agreement, green and low-carbon development has entered into a new stage. China’s international responsibility to combat climate change is consistent with the inherent sustainable development needs of the country. In this paper, the reasonability of China’s Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDC) is examined and the fact that low-carbon development can lead to modernization is demonstrated based on data analysis of energy economics from developed countries. Considering the fact that such an energy revolution forms the basis for China’s low-carbon transition, a roadmap of the China’s energy utilization is presented. Based on research results from the Chinese Academy of Engineering, the three historical stages of China’s energy structure reform are analyzed. Promoting a low-carbon transition through an energy revolution is a long-term and arduous process that requires a genuine transformation of development outlook and patterns. By empirically analyzing situations at home and abroad, a conclusion is made that economic development and a low-carbon transition can be achieved simultaneously; specifically, low-carbon development fosters new points of economic growth and gives rise to different development paths.
Key words: climate change; Paris Agreement; low-carbon transition; energy revolution
Xiangwan DU . Tackling climate change and promoting the energy revolution[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2018 , 12(3) : 338 -343 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-018-0535-5
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