Power system reconfiguration and loss minimization for a distribution systems using “Catfish PSO” algorithm
Received date: 15 Sep 2013
Accepted date: 19 Dec 2013
Published date: 09 Jan 2015
One of the very important ways to save electrical energy in the distribution system is network reconfiguration for loss reduction. Distribution networks are built as interconnected mesh networks; however, they are arranged to be radial in operation. The distribution feeder reconfiguration is to find a radial operating structure that optimizes network performance while satisfying operating constraints. The change in network configuration is performed by opening sectionalizing (normally closed) and closing tie (normally opened) switches of the network. These switches are changed in such a way that the radial structure of networks is maintained, all of the loads are energized, power loss is reduced, power quality is enhanced, and system security is increased. Distribution feeder reconfiguration is a complex nonlinear combinatorial problem since the status of the switches is non-differentiable. This paper proposes a new evolutionary algorithm (EA) for solving the distribution feeder reconfiguration (DFR) problem for a 33-bus and a 16-bus sample network, which effectively ensures the loss minimization.
K Sathish KUMAR , S NAVEEN . Power system reconfiguration and loss minimization for a distribution systems using “Catfish PSO” algorithm[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2014 , 8(4) : 434 -442 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-014-0313-y
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