Prof. Dr. Xiaojun Liao
College of Food Science and Nutritional Engineering
China Agricultural University, China
E-mail: liaoxjun@cau.edu.cn
Interests: Fruit and vegetable processing; Non-thermal food processing technologies
Prof. Dr. Weibiao Zhou
Department of Food Science and Technology
National University of Singapore, Singapore
E-mail: weibiao@nus.edu.sg
Interests: Food engineering; Food processing; Functional foods
Associate Editors
Prof. Dr. Adriano Gomes da Cruz
Department of Food
Federal Institute of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Interests: Dairy science and technology; Quality management in food industry
Prof. Dr. Xiaoping Jiang
School of Mechanical Electronic & Information Engineer
China University of Mining and Technology, China
Interests: Measurement, modelling and control of complex systems
Prof. Dr. Bin Li
College of Food Science
Shenyang Agricultural University, China
Interests: Fruit processing technologies
Prof. Dr. Zisheng Luo
College of Biosystems Engineering and Food Science
Zhejiang University, China
Interests: Food safety and quality; Nutrition evaluation
Prof. Dr. Indrawati Oey
Department of Food Science
University of Otago, New Zealand
Interests: Plant proteins; Enzymatic and chemical reactions; Sustainable food production
Prof. Dr. Catherine Renard
Department of Science and Process Engineering of Agricultural Products
National Research Institute for Agriculture, Food and Environment, France
Interests: Food science and technology; Nutrition and dietetics
Prof. Dr. Baoru Yang
Department of Food Chemistry and Food Development
University of Turku, Finland
Interests: Lipid chemistry; Polyphenols; Quality and health effects of food
Editorial Members
Prof. Dr. Enos Tangke Arung
Forestry Faculty
Mulawarman University, Indonesia
Interests: Natural compounds; Herbal and forest products
Prof. Dr. Ahmed Ashour
Faculty of. Pharmacy
Pharmacy-Mansoura University, Egypt
Interests: Natural compounds
Prof. Dr. Gustavo Barbosa-Cánovas
College of Agricultural, Human, and Natural Resource SciencesBiological Systems Engineering
Washington State University, USA
Interests: Food engineering
Dr. Tsun-Thai Chai
Department of Chemical Science, Faculty of Science
Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman, Malaysia
Interests: Bioactive peptides; Phytochemicals; Cheminformatics
Prof. Dr. Xiuping Chen
Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences
University of Macau, China
Interests: Chinese medicine
Prof. Dr. Zhongxiang Fang
School of Agriculture, Food and Ecosystem Sciences
The University of Melbourne, Australia
Interests: Edible coating; Food safety
Prof. Dr. Shu-Ping Hui
Faculty of Health Sciences
Hokkaido University, Japan
Interests: Lipid hydroperoxide; Functional foods
Dr. Lingyan Kong
Department of Human Nutrition & Hospitality Management,College of Human Environmental Sciences
The University of Alabama, USA
Interests: Food biopolymers
Prof. Dr. Dapeng Li
College of Food Science and Engineering
Shandong Agricultural University, China
Interests: Food chemistry; Post-harvesting biology of fresh produce
Prof. Dr. Guoliang Li
School of Food Science and Engineering
Shaanxi University of Science & Technology, China
Interests: Food safety and quality; Functional natural compounds
Dr. LinShu Liu
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Interests: Dairy food; Functional food
Dr. Xiaonan Lu
Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences
McGill Univeristy, Canada
Interests: Nanosensor; Food microbiology
Dr. Taha Mehany
Department of Chemistry
University of La Rioja, Spain
Interests: Analytical chemistry; Process analyses
Dr. Vibeke Orlien
Department of Food Science
University of Copenhagen, Denmark
Interests: Processing impact on food properties
Dr. Reza Ovissipour
Department of Food Science and Technology
Virginia Tech, USA
Interests: Cellular agriculture; Processing optimization by AI/machine learning
Dr. Dipak Panigrahy
Department of Pathology
Harvard Medical School, USA
Interests: Bioactive lipids in cancer
Prof. Dr. Hosahalli S. Ramaswamy
Department of Food Science and Agricultural Chemistry
McGill University, Canada
Interests: Food thermal processing
Prof. Dr. Sudhir K. Sastry
Department of Food, Agricultural and Biological Engineering
The Ohio State University, USA
Interests: Food processing technologies
Dr. Kuniyoshi Shimizu
Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agro-environmental Sciences
Kyushu University, Japan
Interests: Natural products; Bioorganic chemistry
Prof. Dr. Xiaonan Sui
College of Food Science
Northeast Agricultural University, China
Interests: Value added processing; Food functional components
Prof. Dr. Jianping Wu
Department of Agricultural, Food, and Nutritional Science
University of Alberta, Canada
Interests: Protein/bioactive peptide; Biomaterials
Prof. Dr. Xingbin Yang
College of Food Engineering and Nutritional Science
Shaanxi Normal University, China
Interests: Food chemistry and processing engineering; Intestinal microecological nutrition
Prof. Dr. Jixun Zhan
Biological Engineering, Colledge of Engineering
Utah State University, USA
Interests: Metabolic engineering
Dr. Guodong Zhang
Department of Food Science & TechnologyFaculty of Science
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Interests: Food nutrition and toxicology
Prof. Dr. Jiachao Zhang
College of Resources and Environment, Doctor of Engineering
Hainan University, China
Interests: Intestinal microbiota; Probiotics; Nutrition evaluation
Prof. Dr. Wei Zhao
School of Communication and Control Engineering
Jiangnan Univerisity, China
Interests: Food processing; Protein structure and functionality
Pubdate: 2024-10-10