A Taxonomy of College Student Learning Outcomes in China: A Multi-Institutional, Mixed-Method Study

CEN Yuhao

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Front. Educ. China ›› 2015, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (4) : 544-577. DOI: 10. 3868/s110-004-015-0040-4
Research article
Research article

A Taxonomy of College Student Learning Outcomes in China: A Multi-Institutional, Mixed-Method Study

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This mixed methods study investigates learning outcomes resulting from college attendance in the Chinese mainland. Data for this study is derived from undergraduate survey responses at 21 universities and interviews with 64 seniors at five universities. Factor analysis reduced learning outcome items to two factors, and 19 categories of learning outcomes were distilled from interview data. These categories were then reduced to four domains: knowledge, skills, intrapersonal awareness, and interpersonal competence. Compared with literature generated in the West, intercultural competency as well as quantitative and computer literacy are missing in the Chinese higher education context. Student learning is an integrated whole and takes place in diverse settings in and outside the classroom.


learning outcomes / college students / mixed methods study / college experiences

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CEN Yuhao. A Taxonomy of College Student Learning Outcomes in China: A Multi-Institutional, Mixed-Method Study. Front. Educ. China, 2015, 10(4): 544‒577 https://doi.org/10. 3868/s110-004-015-0040-4


2014 Higher Education Press and Brill
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