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  • Research Article
    ZHANG Zhengang, ZHANG Junqiu, YE Baosheng, CHEN Yihua
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 498-519.

    Taking knowledge management and entrepreneurial orientation as variables, this study explores the impact mechanism and contextual effects of enterprise digital transformation on business model innovation, based on organization reform theory and the knowledge-based view. The findings show that digital transformation has a significant and positive impact on business model innovation, that knowledge management plays an intermediary role in the impact of digital transformation on business model innovation, and that compared to low-level entrepreneurial orientation, high-level entrepreneurial orientation strengthens the relationship between digital transformation and knowledge management, and weakens the relationship between knowledge management and business model innovation.

  • Research Article
    WU Xiaobo, ZHANG Xinyue, SHEN Huajie
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 467-497.

    In the face of intense global competition, the Chinese semiconductor industry grapples with unprecedented challenges. Addressing the issue of “bottleneck technology” has become a paramount concern among experts from various domains in China. However, the trajectory of the global semiconductor sector is inexorably linked to the innovation of its business models and adherence to the tenets of technological evolution. It can be posited that, without business model innovation, Moore's Law would cease to exist. In the semiconductor arena, where the first-mover advantage wields immense influence, exclusive focus on “technological breakthroughs” from a technical standpoint would invariably constrict itself within existing technological paradigms, leaving it susceptible to external control. This paper undertakes an in-depth examination of pivotal case studies, particularly that of TSMC and Samsung, two enterprises which transcended their latecomer status and shattered the “glass ceiling” by embracing “business model innovations.” Through a comprehensive analysis, it introduces and delineates two distinctive avenues of business model innovation: paper “reconstruction of the division of labor system” and “mismatched demand.” Subsequently, the research investigates two more cases, SiEn Integrated Circuits Co., Ltd. and Changguang Group, exploring specific business model innovation paths, “innovation consortium” and “differentiated demand,” pertinent to latecomer semiconductor companies operating in China. Drawing from these insights and considering the current international competitive landscape and the ramifications of the COVID-19 pandemic, this paper culminates in the synthesis of eight breakthrough trajectories for latecomer semiconductor firms. These pathways are examined through the lenses of technology paradigms (traditional and emerging), market contexts (globalized and deglobalized), and various types of business model innovation (original and secondary). Furthermore, this research offers a comprehensive analysis and discussion concerning the resources, capabilities, and strategies, with the ultimate objective of shedding light on the potential “breakthrough” avenue for China’s semiconductor industry.

  • Research Article
    GUO Xingguang, CHEN Xi
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 425-448.

    The development of data science provides new opportunities for innovation in Chinese manufacturing enterprises. As the manufacturing sector urgently needs transformation and upgrading, studying how data empowerment drives innovation in manufacturing enterprises is of strategic significance. This work reviews domestic and foreign research from five aspects: product innovation, business model innovation, long-term competitiveness of enterprises, innovation ecosystem of enterprises, and industry upgrading. It summarizes the main forms and objects of data empowerment, analyzes the paths and mechanisms of data empowerment, and creates a systematic research framework to explore the “black box” of data empowerment that drives manufacturing innovation. Such a framework provides theoretical references for the transformation and upgrading of China’s manufacturing sector. Finally, future prospects are proposed to address the extant research gaps and to conduct more indepth research on innovation driven by data empowerment in the manufacturing sector.

  • Book Description
    ZHENG Haidong
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 558-558.

    Book Description

  • Research Article
    LIU Jianli, LI Xianjun
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 379-406.

    Integrated circuit is a typical key product in the digital economy era. Given external containment, breakthroughs in core technologies of integrated circuit are confronted with barriers of first movers in underlying technological ecology and with their threats of decoupling from the supply chain. Currently, China has various bottlenecks in the proprietary industrial ecosystem, and domestic substitution lacks effective overall planning. Therefore, it is essential to apply the underlying logic of asymmetric competition and to leverage a relatively complete industrial system, abundant application scenarios, solid talent base, and the institutional advantages of the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide to break through in integrated circuit manufacturing technology and in domestic substitution. As such, it is necessary to further strengthen the top-level design, leverage the advantages of the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide to enhance the institutional guarantee for domestic substitution of bottlenecks, and enhance basic research to consolidate the technological foundation for domestic substitution. Moreover, we should implement talent strategy to enhance the driving force of human resource for domestic substitution development. We should also further opening-up and cooperation policy to create an open domestic substitution ecology. In addition, we should increase counter-cyclical investment to nurture leaders in asymmetric competition, and seize the demand window to drive domestic substitution with “epoch-making products.”

  • Research Article
    LI Xiaohua
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 449-466.

    In recent years, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is well under way. Meanwhile, a deglobalization trend is growing, and major-countries’ competition is intensifying. In this context, there has come a debate on whether technological innovation (“key & core technology”) or business model innovation (“soft model”) should be prioritized in development. Key & core technology and soft model differ in terms of driving forces, goal orientation, nature of knowledge, imitability, and return cycles. They both are interdependent, mutually reinforcing, and evolve together. Business models are an important form of technological innovation, and technological innovation drives business model innovation, while business models support, guide, promote, and incubate technological innovation. In the field of digital economy, business model innovation occurs more frequent, intense, widespread, and disruptive, but it also brings forth new challenges. In addressing these challenges for both business model innovation and technological innovation, China should follow the principles of “guidance without participation, inclusion with regulation” and “encouragement without compulsion.”

  • Research Article
    HU Angang
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 301-326.

    Scientific and technological strength, the ability to achieve national strategic goals in science and technology, is not only a significant component of national comprehensive strength, but also the scientific and technological innovation foundation for continuous strengthening national comprehensive strength. The quantitative evaluation of China’s scientific and technological strength from 2000 to 2020 shows tremendous progress in science and technology, transitioning from a catching-up country to an innovationdriven country. China has moved from the second array to the first array of global science and technology, securing a historic shift from mere quantity to high quality. This fully demonstrates the political advantage on the overall leadership of the Communist Party of China, the strategic advantage of innovation-driven development, and the advantages of the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide under the socialist market economy with a wealth of human resources in science and technology. Based on China's strategic requirements of pursuing self-reliance and strength in science and technology as support for national development, this paper proposes policy recommendations for the future development of various advantages and favorable conditions, aiming to strengthen national strength in strategic science and technology and to implement the innovation-driven development strategy. Furthermore, prospects for China's scientific and technological vision for 2025 and 2035 are presented, envisioning a significant increase in scientific and technological strength and China’s entry into the advanced ranks among the most innovative countries in the world.

  • Research Article
    WU Fuxiang, WANG Zeyun
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 327-353.

    The national strength in strategic science and technology is one of the key terms elaborated in the Report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), highlighting its strategic significance for the manufacturing sector in enhancing China’s international competitiveness and overall innovation performance. Based on the shift-share analysis, significant regional disparities are noted in the distribution of national strength in strategic science and technology in the manufacturing sector in China. The northeast China region and the Yellow River middle reaches comprehensive economic region exhibit the highest industry mix effect in talent structure and in R&D structure. Furthermore, the computer and office equipment manufacturing industry shows a large spatial shift, indicating that the industry mix and spatial distribution of high-tech industries in China need urgent optimization. A comparison of international experiences in the building of national strength in strategic science and technology reveals that China faces problems such as imbalance of investment contributors, insufficient innovation synergy, and weak R&D domains. Therefore, it is necessary to apply a systemic approach to planning comprehensively for advancing the national strength in strategic science and technology. To this end, the immediate task is to mobilize national strategic scientific and technological capabilities to create a collaborative innovation complex.

  • Research Article
    ZHANG Jichang, LONG Jing, CHEN Feng
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 520-541.

    Based on dynamic capability theory and legitimacy theory, a theoretical model is constructed to examine how big data capability, through the mediation of knowledge dynamic capability, drive business model innovation under the moderation effect of innovation legitimacy. The analysis is conducted using regression analysis and fuzzy set qualitative comparative analysis (fsQCA) on survey data from 302 enterprises that have already implemented big data application practices. The study finds the following four conclusions. (1) Big data capability has a significant positive impact on business model innovation. (2) Dynamic knowledge capability partially mediates the relationship between big data capability and business model innovation. (3) Innovation legitimacy positively influences business model innovation and positively moderates the relationship between big data capability and business model innovation. (4) Through further qualitative comparative analysis, two causal paths that influence business model innovation are identified.

  • Research Article
    CHEN Jin
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 289-300.

    To take advantage of the new system for mobilizing resources nationwide to boost China’s national strength in strategic science and technology, it is essential to strengthen the leadership by the Communist Party of China (CPC) and to guide the development of China’s strength in strategic science and technology in line with the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. For this purpose, high-level platforms for innovation should be built quickly, and refined through the introduction of major national projects. Furthermore, institutional frameworks should be continuously innovated, while open and inclusive development should be continued.

  • Abstracts
    ZHAO Jing
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 407-413.


  • Academic News
    Academic News
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 554-555.

    Academic News

  • Bibliography
    QIAN Yu et al
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 552-553.


  • Research Article
    FAN Xu, LIANG Bichan
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 354-378.

    Taking Company M as the research object, this study adopts a case study method to explore the evolution of enterprise competitive advantage differentiation matching and resource-focused action in the iterative innovation process under the synergy of opportunity identification and ambidextrous strategic combination. This study reveals the formation mechanism and path of iterative innovation in enterprises, finding that opportunity identification is a dynamic and complex process with significant variations. Enterprises can creatively utilize the synergy between ambidextrous strategic combinations based on the identified opportunities to stimulate differentiated allocation of competitive advantage modules based on resource heterogeneity and incomplete factor-mobility, and to achieve strategic flexibility. The adaptive interaction between opportunity identification and ambidextrous strategic combination drives the staged evolution of resource-focused action, including resource bricolage, arrangement, and orchestration, thereby realizing the iterative innovation process of “technology explorationbased development model-market expansion-based development model-collaborative innovation-based development model.”

  • Book Excerpt
    SHANG Tiancheng
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 418-423.

    Book Excerpt

  • Book Description
    SHANG Tiancheng
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 424-424.

    Book Description

  • Book Excerpt
    ZHENG Haidong
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 556-558.

    Book Excerpt

  • Abstracts
    BEI Lixin et al
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(4): 542-551.


  • Bibliography
    XIA Tongshui
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 414-415.


  • Academic News
    Academic News
    Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2023, 17(3): 416-417.

    Academic News