LIBRA: an adaptative integrative tool for paired single-cell multi-omics data

Xabier Martinez-de-Morentin, Sumeer A. Khan, Robert Lehmann, Sisi Qu, Alberto Maillo, Narsis A. Kiani, Felipe Prosper, Jesper Tegner, David Gomez-Cabrero

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Quant. Biol. ›› 2023, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (3) : 246-259. DOI: 10.15302/J-QB-022-0318

LIBRA: an adaptative integrative tool for paired single-cell multi-omics data

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Background: Single-cell multi-omics technologies allow a profound system-level biology understanding of cells and tissues. However, an integrative and possibly systems-based analysis capturing the different modalities is challenging. In response, bioinformatics and machine learning methodologies are being developed for multi-omics single-cell analysis. It is unclear whether current tools can address the dual aspect of modality integration and prediction across modalities without requiring extensive parameter fine-tuning.

Methods: We designed LIBRA, a neural network based framework, to learn translation between paired multi-omics profiles so that a shared latent space is constructed. Additionally, we implemented a variation, aLIBRA, that allows automatic fine-tuning by identifying parameter combinations that optimize both the integrative and predictive tasks. All model parameters and evaluation metrics are made available to users with minimal user iteration. Furthermore, aLIBRA allows experienced users to implement custom configurations. The LIBRA toolbox is freely available as R and Python libraries at GitHub (TranslationalBioinformaticsUnit/LIBRA).

Results: LIBRA was evaluated in eight multi-omic single-cell data-sets, including three combinations of omics. We observed that LIBRA is a state-of-the-art tool when evaluating the ability to increase cell-type (clustering) resolution in the integrated latent space. Furthermore, when assessing the predictive power across data modalities, such as predictive chromatin accessibility from gene expression, LIBRA outperforms existing tools. As expected, adaptive parameter optimization (aLIBRA) significantly boosted the performance of learning predictive models from paired data-sets.

Conclusion: LIBRA is a versatile tool that performs competitively in both “integration” and “prediction” tasks based on single-cell multi-omics data. LIBRA is a data-driven robust platform that includes an adaptive learning scheme.

Author summary

There is a need for tools that integrate single-cell multi-omic data while addressing several integrative challenges simultaneously. To this end, we designed a deep-learning based tool LIBRA that performs competitively in both “integration” and “prediction” tasks based on single-cell multi-omics data. Furthermore, when assessing the predictive power across data modalities, LIBRA outperforms existing tools. LIBRA and its adaptive scheme aLIBRA, allow automatic fine-tuning for users with limited effort. Additionally, aLIBRA allows experienced users to implement custom configurations. The LIBRA toolbox is freely available as R and Python libraries.

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single-cell / multi-omic / Autoencoder / auto-finetuning

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Xabier Martinez-de-Morentin, Sumeer A. Khan, Robert Lehmann, Sisi Qu, Alberto Maillo, Narsis A. Kiani, Felipe Prosper, Jesper Tegner, David Gomez-Cabrero. LIBRA: an adaptative integrative tool for paired single-cell multi-omics data. Quant. Biol., 2023, 11(3): 246‒259


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Project name: LIBRA.
Project home page: “GitHub website (TranslationalBioinformaticsUnit/LIBRA)”.
Operating system(s): platform independent. Tested on LINUX.
Programming language(s): sc-libra (LIBRA package implementation at PyPI), Python, Jupyter notebook, R and RMarkDown.
License: GPL-3.0 license.
Any restrictions to use by non-academics: none.


The datasets re-analyzed during the current study are available in the NCBI GEO repository via accession numbers GSE126074, GSE128639, GSE130399, GSE140203, GSE194122, GSE109262 and 10X Genomics website repository. The developed package and its online documentation and the code used for the re-analysis, are available at: sc-libra package: Pypi (sc-libra); sc-libra online docs: Read the docs (sc-libra); GitHub repository: GitHub website (TranslationalBioinformaticsUnit/LIBRA); Cone of GitHub repository plus data repository: Figshare (LIBRA).


NNNeural networks
GEOGene Expression Omnibus
SLSShared latent space
PJIPairwise Jaccard Index
DSData set
predRNAPredicted RNA
predATACPredicted ATAC
MSEMean squared error
SNARE-seqDroplet based technology to profile chromatin accessibility and gene expression from the same cells
CITE-seqQualitative information over gene expression and surface proteins with available antibodies on a single cell level
Paired-seqCombinatorial indexing strategy to simultaneously tag both the open chromatin fragments generated by the Tn5 transposases and the cDNA molecules generated from reverse transcription
SHARE-seqStrategy that uses three rounds of barcodes by ligating barcoded adaptors to both RNA (gene expression) and tagmented DNA (chromatin accessibility) to achieve the multi-omic profiling from the same single cells
10X10X Genomics single-cell multiomics solutions
CITE-seqMethod for performing RNA sequencing along with gaining quantitative and qualitative information on surface proteins with available antibodies on a single cell level
scNMT-seqMethod to look at methylation (CpG) and chromatin accessibility (GpC)


The supplementary materials can be found online with this article at


XMM, DGC designed LIBRA and the computational experiments shown. XMM performed most of the experiments and analyzed the results. SQ conducted the initial experiments associated with BABEL. XMM, JT and DGC wrote the first draft and the final version. SQ, SK, RL, AM, NK, FP, and JT provided additional insights into the experiments and the text. All authors reviewed the manuscript before submission.


This work was supported by grants from the European Union under the Horizon 2020 programme (MultipleMS grant agreement 733161) to NK; and from the Spanish Government, through project PID2019-111192GA-I00 (MICINN) to DGC.


The authors Xabier Martinez-de-Morentin, Sumeer A. Khan, Robert Lehmann, Sisi Qu, Alberto Maillo, Narsis A. Kiani, Felipe Prosper, Jesper Tegner and David Gomez-Cabrero declare that they have no conflict of interest or financial conflicts to disclose.
This article does not contain any studies with human or animal materials performed by any of the authors.


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2023 The Author(s). Published by Higher Education Press.
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