Scuticociliatia is one of the most species-rich subclasses in the phylum Ciliophora. The evolutionary relationships among Scuticociliatia groups have long been very unclear due to the homogeneity of morphology and insufficiency of molecular data. With morphological and multi-gene-based molecular data presented here, the evolutionary phylogeny of several Scuticociliatia taxa that were hitherto especially poorly defined is analyzed and discussed. The results indicate: (1) all scuticociliates cluster into two well supported and one poorly supported group, representing three order-level taxa; (2) with the support of both morphological and molecular data, a new family Homalogastridae fam. nov. is proposed in the order Philasterida; (3) Parauronema is formally transferred to Uronematidae and Potomacus is treated as incertae sedis in the order Philasterida, therefore Parauronematidae is proposed to be a junior synonym of Uronematidae; (4) the genus Madsenia and the species Parauronema longum and Pseudocyclidium longum are treated as incertae sedis, while the genus Protophyra should be maintained in the family Ancistridae. In addition, the putative secondary structure of internal transcribed spacer 2 (ITS2) of representative taxa from the three orders of Scuticociliatia are analyzed, and consensus structures and nucleotide composition in each order are exhibited.
Kelps are pivotal to temperate coastal ecosystems, providing essential habitat and nutrients for diverse marine life, and significantly enhancing local biodiversity. The impacts of elevated CO2 levels on kelps may induce far-reaching effects throughout the marine food web, with potential consequences for biodiversity and ecosystem functions. This study considers the kelp Macrocystis pyrifera and its symbiotic microorganisms as a holistic functional unit (holobiont) to examine their collective response to heightened CO2 levels. Over a 4 month cultivation from the fertilization of M. pyrifera gametes to the development of juvenile sporophytes, our findings reveal that elevated CO2 levels influence the structure of the M. pyrifera symbiotic microbiome, alter metabolic profiles, and reshape microbe-metabolite interactions using 16S rRNA amplicon sequencing and liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry analysis. Notably, Dinoroseobacter, Sulfitobacter, Methylotenera, Hyphomonas, Milano-WF1B-44 and Methylophaga were selected as microbiome biomarkers, which showed significant increases in comparative abundance with elevated CO2 levels. Stress-response molecules including fatty-acid metabolites, oxylipins, and hormone-like compounds such as methyl jasmonate and prostaglandin F2a emerged as critical metabolomic indicators. We propose that elevated CO2 puts certain stress on the M. pyrifera holobiont, prompting the release of these stress-response molecules. Moreover, these molecules may aid the kelp’s adaptation by modulating the microbial community structure, particularly influencing potential pathogenic bacteria, to cope with environmental change. These results will enrich the baseline data related to the chemical interactions between the microbiota and M. pyrifera and provide clues for predicting the resilience of kelps to future climate change.
Estuaries are usually characterized by strong spatial and temporal variability in water physicochemical conditions and are often largely affected by human activities. One important source of variability is caused by tides that can swiftly alter not only physicochemical conditions but also the abundance and composition of the biota. The effect of the diurnal tidal cycle on microbial community composition during different seasons remains uncertain, although this knowledge underlies having effective monitoring programs for water quality and potential identification of health risk conditions. In this study, we assessed the bacterioplankton community composition and diversity across four tidal water levels in a tropical estuary characterized by a mixed semidiurnal tide regime (i.e., two high and two low tides of varying amplitudes) during both dry and wet seasons. The bacterial community composition varied significantly among the four tidal levels, but only during the dry season, when the influence of the seawater intrusion was largest. Bacterial indicators’ taxa identified using the Indicator Value Index were found within Cyanobacteria, Actinobacteriota, Bacteroidota, and Proteobacteria. The indicator taxon Cyanobium sp. had a prominent presence across multiple tidal levels. The main predicted phenotypes of the bacterial communities were associated with potential pathogenicity, gram-negative, and biofilm formation traits. While there were no marked predicted phenotypic differences between seasons, pathogenic and gram-negative traits were more prevalent in the dry season, while biofilm formation traits dominated in the wet season. Overall, our findings underscore the intricate relationship between river hydrodynamics and bacterial composition variability and hint a significant human impact on the water quality of the Bangpakong River.
Obesity has become a worldwide health problem. Seeking natural products with anti-obesity activity from lots of fungi has drawn the attention of pharmacologists. In our study, dipenipenoids A and B (1 and 2), the first dimeric indole-diterpenoids with a rare C-20–C-22′ linkage, and their monomers (3 and 4), were isolated from a marine-derived Penicillium sp. CF-06 fungus from Suaeda salsa. The absolute configurations of 1–3 were assigned by the calculated TDDFT ECD method. The structure of 4 was verified by a single-crystal X-ray diffraction method for the first time. Interestingly, 1 and 2 displayed significant effects on the differentiation of 3T3-L1 adipocytes by down-regulating the expression of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) and CCAAT/enhancer binding protein alpha (C/EBPα) proteins, while monomers 3 and 4 exhibited no activity. Molecular docking results explained the mechanism that the interaction between dimer 1 and PPARγ was stronger than that between monomer 3 and PPARγ. Our research could provide new insight for the discovery of anti-obesity drugs.
Bioluminescence, the ability of organisms to produce visible light, has intrigued scientists for centuries. Studies have examined bioluminescence, using a wide range of approaches and organisms, from its ecological role to its underlying molecular mechanisms, leading to various applications and even a Nobel prize. Over the last ten years, an increasing amount of data has been collected leading to a growing number of recognized marine bioluminescent species. This review provides and describes a referenced listing of the eukaryotic luminous marine species, including information related to: (i) intrinsic versus extrinsic source of the bioluminescence, (ii) the color and maximum wavelength of emission, (iii) the bioluminescent system (substrate and enzyme) and the associated molecules, (iv) the availability of light organ/cell(s) pattern and histological structure, (v) the physiological control of the light production, and (vi) the demonstrated or suggested bioluminescent function(s). This listing provides basic information and references for researchers in or entering in the field of marine bioluminescence. Using a semi-quantitative approach, we then highlight major research gaps and opportunities and reflect on the future of the field.
Determining and comparing mitochondrial genomes (mitogenomes) are essential for assessing the diversity and evolution of mitochondria. Ciliates are ancient and diverse unicellular eukaryotes, and thus are ideal models for elucidating the early evolution of mitochondria. Here, we report on six new mitogenomes of spirotrichs, a dominant ciliate group, and perform comparative analyses on 12 representative species. We show that: (1) the mitogenomes of spirotrichs are linear structures with high A+T contents (61.12–81.16%), bidirectional transcription, and extensive synteny (except for the nad5, ccmf and cob genes in Euplotia); (2) the non-split of NADH dehydrogenase subunit 2 gene (nad2) is a plesiomorphy of ciliates, whereas it has evolved into a split gene in Spirotrichea (apart from Euplotes taxa), Oligohymenophorea, and Armophorea; (3) the number of small subunit ribosomal proteins (rps) encoded in mitogenomes increases in the later branching classes of ciliates, whereas rps8 shows a loss trend during the evolution of Euplotes taxa; (4) the mitogenomes of spirotrichs exhibit A/T codon bias at the third position, and the codon bias is mainly due to DNA mutation in oligotrichs, hypotrichs and Diophrys appendiculata; (5) the phylogenetic position of D. appendiculata is unstable and controversial based on both phylogenetic analyses and mitogenome evidence. In summary, we investigated the mitogenome diversity of spirotrichs and broadened our understanding of the evolution of mitochondria in ciliates.
Traditional cultivation methods with defined growth media can only isolate and cultivate a small number of microbes. However, much higher microbial diversity has been detected by cultivation-independent tools from a range of natural ecosystems. These represent a large unexplored pool of potentially novel taxa. In this study, a diffusion-based integrative cultivation approach (DICA) was developed to efficiently isolate novel taxonomic candidates from marine sediment. DICA combined a newly designed diffusion-based apparatus called a “microbial aquarium” with modified low-nutrient media. To determine the efficiency of DICA, cultivation results were compared with traditional cultivation approach (TCA). Both cultivation approaches resulted in the isolation of numerous representatives from the phyla Pseudomonadota, Actinomycetota, Bacteroidota, and Bacillota. However, the newly developed DICA also led to the successful cultivation of species from rarely cultivated phyla such as Verrucomicrobiota and Balneolota. Based on 16S rRNA analyses, the application of DICA resulted in the successful cultivation of 115 previously uncultured taxa out of a total of 196 isolates. Among these, 39 were identified at the genus level and 4 at the family level, showcasing a novelty ratio of 58%. Conversely, the TCA cultivated 12% (20/165) of novel isolates, with all at species level only. The isolated microbial diversity showed that species recovered by DICA belong to 12 different classes, twice the number produced by TCA. Overall, these results demonstrate that the newly designed DICA produces a high recovery of diverse and previously uncultured bacteria.
Climate change, particularly extreme climate events, is likely to alter the population connectivity in diverse taxa. While the population connectivity for highly migratory species is expected to be vulnerable to climate change, the complex migration patterns has made the measurement difficult and studies rare. However, otolith biogeochemistry provides the possibility to evaluate these climate-induced impacts. Japanese Spanish mackerel Scomberomorus niphonius is a highly migratory fish that is widely distributed in the northwest Pacific. Otoliths biogeochemistry of age-1 spawning or spent individuals from three consecutive years (2016–2018), during which a very strong El Niño was experienced (2015–2016), were analyzed to evaluate the temporal variation of connectivity for S. niphonius population along the coast of China. The elemental concentrations of the whole otolith showed that Ba:Ca and Mg:Ca values were found to significantly increase in the El Niño year. The random forest classification and clustering analysis indicated a large-scale connectivity between East China Sea and the Yellow Sea in the El Niño year whereas the local S. niphonius assemblages in different spawning areas were more self-sustaining after the El Niño year. These findings lead to the hypothesis that environmental conditions associated with the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO) events in the Northern Pacific Ocean would likely influence the population connectivity of S. niphonius. If so, extreme climate events can result in profound changes in the extent, pattern and connectivity of migratory fish populations. Our study demonstrates that otolith biogeochemistry could provide insight towards revealing how fish population response to extreme climate events.