May 2022, Volume 6 Issue 5

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  • Review
    WU Weiren, LIU Jizhong, TANG Yuhua, YU Dengyun, YU Guobin, ZHANG Zhe
    The Chang'E-4 probe was successfully soft landed on the far side of the moon for the first time as a human spacecraft on January 3, 2019, while the lunar rover named as "Yutu-2" leaving Chinese footprints on the Moon. So far, 125 lunar exploration activities have been carried out in the world, during which there are two important periods. During the period from 1950s to 1970s, the first round of lunar exploration culminated with the purposes of the race between the two space powers the U. S. and the former Soviet Union. After that, from the end of last century to now, many countries realize the strategic significance of the Lunar exploration, proposing their new lunar exploration plans, which culminated the second round of lunar exploration. Starting from the Chang'E-1 orbiter project in 2004, China has implemented five successful lunar missions, include Chang'E-1, 2, 3, 4, and Lunar Sample Return flight test. All five missions are successful, and great achievements have been made in space technology, space science and application, personal training, and international cooperation. China will continue lunar exploration activities mainly with unmanned Lunar Scientific Research Station.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    ZHANG Rongqiao, HUANG Jiangchuan, HE Rongwei, GEN Yan, MENG Linzhi
    The small bodies retain the original elements of early solar system,and may contain important clues to the origin of the earth's life and water. They are living fossils for studying the origin and evolutionary history of the solar system. Asteroid exploration has become research hotspots of international deep space exploration in recent years. The process of small bodies exploration is briefly summarized, and the research and development of asteroid exploration is reviewed, as well the key technologies of asteroid missions. Based on the deep space exploration capability of China, some suggestions are put forward to carry out future asteroid exploration.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    LI Chunlai, LIU Jianjun, YAN Wei, FENG Jianqing, REN Xin, LIU Bin
    The definition and classification of minor planets are introduced and the main exploration methods of minor planets are presented. The status of current international minor planets exploration is summarized, including the exploration missions which have been implemented and planned to implement,their scientific objectives,scientific payloads,and the main scientific data obtained. Finally, the future development trend of minor planets exploration is discussed and the scientific objectives of China's future autonomous minor planets exploration is prospected.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    Daniel T. Britt
    There are 24 asteroid spectral types in the Bus-DeMeo spectral classification system and about 27 meteorite mineralogical types. The spectral links between asteroids and meteorites vary a lot in quality and reliability because of challenges with the lack of diagnostic features in some mineralogies and the effects of space weathering. I will review what can be learned remotely from visible and near-infrared spectroscopy about asteroid mineralogy and how to understand asteroid spectral identifications from a geologist's point of view.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    Daniel J. Scheeres
    This paper considers the design and dynamics of spacecraft distant from an asteroid, whose gravitational attraction can be neglected at leading order. The motion of the spacecraft then is a function of solar gravity and solar radiation pressure. The differential acceleration between the spacecraft and the small asteroid creates a unique relative dynamics between the two bodies, and provides the spacecraft certain orbits that will remain in the vicinity of the asteroid and which could be used advantageously for observations. The current paper completely solves the simpler case when the asteroid is in a circular heliocentric orbit. The elliptic case is also considered and formulated, with some initial results identified.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    DU Yanru, LI Xiangyu, HAN Hongwei, QIAO Dong
    The unique motion of binary asteroid systems provide important clues for the evolution of planets. Therefore, binary asteroid systems become hot targets in asteroid exploration. In this paper, based on the double ellipsoid model, the relative motion, equilibrium condition and stability of binary asteroid systems are studied. Firstly, the full two-body dynamic equation of the double ellipsoid model is established to describe the relative motion of a binary asteroid system. Secondly, the Lagrangian equation of motion is used to solve the angular momentum and energy of the system, and the equilibrium conditions are obtained. Finally, a method to determine the stability of equilibrium is given by using the zero-velocity state surface and the influence of the asteroid's physical parameter on the stability of equilibrium is analyzed. This research can provide a theoretical reference for the trajectory design and control in future exploration missions to binary asteroid systems.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    ZHU Liying, YE Zhiling, LI Yuqing, FU Zhongliang, XU Yong
    The needs for samll body intelligent planning are analuzed due to the significant communication delay and low efficiency of mission execution. The intelligent planning of autonomous flight aroundfor small body exploration mission is studied. Firstly, the problem is decomposed into two parts:platform task intelligent planning and payload task intelligent planning. A knowledge model of detector autonomous management is designed based on PDDL language, and a solution algorithm of specific state time line extension is proposed. The mathematical model of intelligent planning based on CSP is established, and the solving algorithm based on genetic strategy is proposed. Finally, a simulation system is developed to verify the algorithm. The simulation results show that the method can integrate the platform and payload requirements, making unified mission planning under the constraints of storage, energy, communication and other constraints, and obtaining command sequence and action sequence. It can improve the intelligence of task management and control, and reduce the complexity of task operation.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    JIA Xiaoyu, YANG Chen, WANG Tong, WEN Yi
    On April 18, 2019, the China National Space Administration (CNSA) published the plan of asteroid exploration, which would select the near-earth asteroid 2016HO3 as one of its targets. On this paper, the parameters of 2016HO3 for thermal environment analysis were discussed. By investigating the current international observation data, the environmental parameters of 2016HO3 are obtained preliminarily. Then the near-Earth asteroid thermal model(NEATM) and asteroid thermal physics model (TPM) were used to model and analyze the surface temperature of 2016HO3, and the upper boulder of the temperature was 412 K. Considering the spinning effect, the day and night temperature difference at different locations was simulated and analyzed, and the temperature analysis method under the polar night conditions was proposed, then the maximum temperature difference at any position was determined to be about 30 K. Last on the basis of TPM, by the idea of the average illumination during the rotation period, the temperature analysis method of the polar night was proposed, and lower limit of temperature of 2016HO3 was achieved.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    WANG Yalin, LIU Peng, WU Huiyang, LI Heng, ZHAO Wei
    Solar system small body exploration involves ground-/space-based long-distance observation, proximity observation, landing, sample return, etc. The topography characteristics of asteroid surface are studied and a simulation model to describe asteroid surface terrains with various sizes of boulder following the Power Law distributionis proposed in this paper. Five terrains cases are selected and simulated according to the requirement of proximity operation method/actuator verifications under the specific topographic structure limitations. Results show that simulated terrains havegood agreement with asteroid terrains images, by which the proximity operation verifications, such as landing mechanism and terrain relative navigation algorithms, could be done in preliminary.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    LI Bicen, YIN Jianjie, ZHANG Hao, WANG Weigang
    The discoveries of main belt comets (MBC) in early twentieth century have attracted great interests of the planetary society, as the water ice and other volatile rich MBCs are located in the main belt and thus may have played a fundamental role in supplying water to the early Earth. Therefore, MBCs are very interesting and important candidate objects for the near future space missions. The scientific objectives of optical and infrared spectrometers for a flyby mission are summarized. Then the major technical specifications for the spectrometers are proposed based on the optical and thermal properties of the main belt comet 133P/Elst-Pizarro, one of the major targets. The spectral coverage of the proposed spectrometeris from 0. 4 to 50 μm, which is realized by two spectrometers covering 0. 4~5 μm and 5~50 μm, respectively. The visible and infrared imaging spectrometer (VIIS) is a very compact grating spectrometer covering 0. 4 to 5 μm with a spectral resolution of 5 nm in the visible and 10nm in the infrared. The spatial resolution of the VIIS is 0. 5 m at an observational distance of 5km. The signal to noise ratio of the spectrometer is better than 100 using cryogenic optics technology. Thermal emission spectrometer (TES) is a time modulated Fourier transform spectrometer. The core component of TES is one interferometer with two cube corners and swing arms which covers 5~50 μm. The spectral resolution of TES is 8 cm-1. The spatial resolution of TES is 10 m at an observational distance of 5 km. A pyro-electric detector is used for the TES, working at ambient temperature. The key technologies and specifications for the two instruments are described and analyzed. The current results provide important information for engineering development in the future.
  • Topic: Science and Supporting Technology of Small-Boby Exploration
    WANG Ke, ZHENG Shi, XIE Hu, DENG Jian, ZHU Peimin, FA Wenzhe, TAN Xiaomin
    Radar technology can be applied to small body exploration missions for subsurface detection and global interior structuredetection. In this paper, the current applications both at home and abroad are introduced, and the different application scenes of monostatic radar and bistatic radar are described and the characteristics ofmonostatic radar loaded on the orbiter and the rover are presented. Through analyzing of potential material and structure of small bodies and studying the working principles of monostaticand bistaticradars, the available radar mode for a small body with potential structure is proposed. For a layered small body, which is always in a relatively large size, the monostatic radar can be applied for subsurface detection. While for a rubble pile small body, the bistatic radar can be used to obtain its permittivity and image the global interior structure using transmitted waves over global observation. The effectiveness of the bistatic radar forinterior structure detection of a rubble pile asteroid is verified through numerical simulation.
  • Article
    XUE Bin, LIU Shengrun, YANG Jianfeng
    Life information detection is one of the most significant part of deep space exploration. This paper introduces briefly The advantages of Raman spectroscopy for detecting organic matter and advancements of the detection of life information on Mars are briefly introduced, as well as the common techniques for detecting information of Martian life. The development of detecting organic matter and life information on Mars with laser Raman spectroscopy is described in detail. The technology trend for the detection of organic matters on Mars surface is analyzed. The prospects for development of Raman spectroscopy in the field of Mars exploration are briefly summarized.