Sep 2024, Volume 11 Issue 03

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    Zongjin Li, Zhibo Han, Zhong-Chao Han
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    Zhiwei Zhang, Zhao Lei

    Avian influenza viruses (AIVs) have the potential to cause severe illness in wild birds, domestic poultry, and humans. The ongoing circulation of highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses (HPAIVs) has presented significant challenges to global poultry industry and public health in recent years. This study aimed to elucidate the circulation of HPAIVs during 2019 to 2023. Specifically, we assess the alarming global spread and continuous evolution of HPAIVs. Moreover, we discuss their transmission and prevention strategies to provide valuable references for future prevention and control measures against AIVs.

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    Shiyuan Wang, Jun Li, Ying Li, Xiaoming Liu, Lixian Chang, Beibei Zhao, Li Zhang, Yao Zou, Min Ruan, Xiaofan Zhu

    Cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST) and hyperlipidemia are severe complications of L-Asparaginase (L-Asp) during the treatment of B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL). Herein, we reported a 9-year-old B-ALL boy who underwent abnormal hypertriglyceridemia and CVST presenting as seizures and disturbance of consciousness twice during the induction therapy. Fortunately, he survived treatment with anticoagulant and lipid-lowering therapy. No thrombophilia-related gene mutation was detected, but a heterozygous mutation in lipoprotein lipase (LPL) gene was identified. His neurological symptoms were managed with short-term anticoagulant therapy and long-term lipid-lowering therapy. This case illustrated the manifestation and potential pathogenesis of CVST and highlighted the essentiality of screening baseline lipid profile and dyslipidemia- and thrombophilia-related gene mutation.

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    Francesca Peranzoni, Roberto De Castro, Emilio Merlini, Yen Le Nguyen

    True hermaphroditism is a disorder of sex development (DSD), accounting for less than 5% of all DSD cases, defined by the simultaneous presence of testicular tissue and ovarian tissue in the same individual. In the reported case, the patient presented two genetic mutations involved in the pathogenic pathway of the DSD condition associated with the clinical features of Kallmann syndrome (KS), a developmental disease that associates hypogonadotropic hypogonadism (HH), due to gonadotropin-releasing hormone deficiency, and anosmia, related to the absence or hypoplasia of the olfactory bulbs. Given the variable degree of hyposmia in KS, the distinction between KS and normosmic idiopathic HH is currently unclear, especially as HH patients do not always undergo detailed olfactory testing. This syndrome is very rare, with an estimated prevalence of 1:80,000 in males and 1:40,000 in females.

    This is the only case report concerning a patient with 46 XX true hermaphroditism affected by HH and digenic inheritance of Kallmann syndrome.

  • research-article
    Xiaochen Wang, Lijun Liu
  • research-article
    Siddhartha Shankar Layek, Shrushti Kanani, Shilpa Doultani, Tejas Gohil, Sanket Patil, Ananthasayanam Sudhakar, Kathan Banubhai Raval, Karuppanasamy Kuppusamy, Sanjay Gorani, Sudharson Raj, Rafiya Sangameshwari, Himali Jadeja, Mini Mol P.

    A commonly accepted standard protocol for noninvasive techniques for the genetic evaluation of an embryo remains elusive due to inconclusiveness regarding the volume of spent media to be acquired and the possibility of acquiring the same for subsequent analysis. Single embryo culture is imperative for standardizing noninvasive preimplantation testing using cell-free DNA (cf-DNA) released by individual developing embryos. This study aims to compare the development dynamics of single-drop embryonic culture against with group embryonic culture to establish a standardized protocol for noninvasive Preimplantation Genetic Testing (PGT) in bovine. A total of 239 cumulus-oocyte complexes were aspirated and subjected to in vitro maturation and fertilization. Among these, 120 embryos of day 3 were transferred to single-drop culture until the blastocyst stage. The single-drop culture drops were prepared using microdrops of 30 μL. At the blastocyst stage, spent media from all single-drop embryos were utilized for extracting cell-free genomic DNA to standardize the protocol. The blastocyst rate indicates no significant difference between the two culture methods, suggesting that single-drop culture is suitable for the process. Additionally, the extracted spent media yielded sufficient quantities of cf-DNA, supporting its potential use for PGT (p < 0.05). These findings support the hypothesis that single-drop embryo culture is a viable method for cf-DNA extraction and confirm the potential of using DNA fragments from spent media as a reliable source for noninvasive PGT.

  • research-article
    Ivan Milas, Željko Kaštelan, Jószef Petrik, Jasna Bingulac-Popović, Bojan Čikić, Andrej Šribar, Irena Jukić

    Background Previous research on connection between the ABO blood group and bladder cancer has been based on determining the ABO phenotype. This specific research is extended to the molecular level, providing more information about particular ABO alleles.

    Aim To investigate the impact of the ABO blood group genotype or phenotype as a risk factor for urinary bladder cancer.

    Materials and Methods In the case-control study, we included 74 patients who underwent surgery for a urinary bladder tumor at the Urology Clinic, Clinical Hospital Centre Zagreb, in 2021 and 2022. The control group comprised 142 asymptomatic and healthy blood donors. ABO genotyping to five basic alleles was done using a polymerase chain reaction with sequence-specific primers. We compared ABO phenotypes, genotypes, and alleles between patients and the healthy controls and investigated their distribution according to the clinical and histological stage and recurrence rate.

    Results No statistically significant difference was found among the groups, nor for the observed disease stages in terms of the phenotype and genotype. At the allele level, the results show a significantly lower proportion of malignancy in O1 (p < 0.001), A1 (p < 0.001), and B (p = 0.013), and a lower proportion of metastatic disease in A2 (0%, p = 0.024). We also found significantly higher proportions of high-grade tumors in patients with O1 (71.4%, p < 0.001), A1 (70.1%, p = 0.019), of nonmuscle invasive tumors in patients with O1 (55.1%, p < 0.001), O2 (100%, p = 0.045), and recurrent tumors in patients with O1 (70.2%, p < 0.001) and A1 (74.2%, p = 0.007) alleles.

    Conclusion We did not find an association between the ABO blood group genotype or phenotype as a genetic risk factor for urinary bladder cancer. However, an analysis at the allelic level revealed a statistically significant association between certain alleles of the ABO blood group system and urinary bladder tumors, clinical or histological stage, and recurrence rate, respectively.