Overview of the amorphous precursor phase strategy in biomineralization
Overview of the amorphous precursor phase strategy in biomineralization
It was assumed for a long time that organisms produce minerals directly from a saturated solution. A few exceptions were known, including the well documented mineralized teeth of the chiton. In 1997 it was demonstrated that sea urchin larva form their calcitic spicules by first depositing a highly unstable mineral phase called amorphous calcium carbonate. This strategy has since been shown to be used by animals from other phyla and for both aragonite and calcite. Recent evidence shows that vertebrate bone mineral may also be formed via a precursor phase of amorphous calcium carbonate. This strategy thus appears to be widespread. The challenge now is to understand the mechanisms by which these unstable phases are initially formed, how they are temporarily stabilized and how they are destabilized and transform into a crystalline mature product.
amorphous calcium carbonate / precursor phase / calcium carbonate
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