Fine structure and development of the collar enamel in gars, , Actinopterygii

SASAGAWA Ichiro1, ISHIYAMA Mikio2, YOKOSUKA Hiroyuki2, MIKAMI Masato3

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Front. Mater. Sci. ›› 2008, Vol. 2 ›› Issue (2) : 134-142. DOI: 10.1007/s11706-008-0023-7

Fine structure and development of the collar enamel in gars, , Actinopterygii

  • SASAGAWA Ichiro1, ISHIYAMA Mikio2, YOKOSUKA Hiroyuki2, MIKAMI Masato3
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The fine structure of collar enamel and the cells constituting the enamel organ during amelogenesis in Lepisosteus oculatus was observed by light, scanning electron and transmission electron microscopy. In the enamel, slender crystals were arranged perpendicular to the surface and the stripes that were parallel to the surface were observed, suggesting that the enamel in Lepisosteus shares common morphological features with that in sarcopterygian fish and amphibians. Ameloblasts containing developed Golgi apparatus, rough endoplasmic reticulum (rER) and secretory granules were found in the secretory stage. In the maturation stage, a ruffled border was not seen at the distal end of the ameloblasts, while many mitochondria and lysosome-like granules were obvious in the distal cytoplasm. The enamel organ consisted of the outer dental epithelial cells, stratum reticulum cells and ameloblasts, but there was no stratum intermedium. It is likely that the ameloblasts have less absorptive function in comparison with the inner dental epithelial cells facing cap enameloid.

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SASAGAWA Ichiro, ISHIYAMA Mikio, YOKOSUKA Hiroyuki, MIKAMI Masato. Fine structure and development of the collar enamel in gars, , Actinopterygii. Front. Mater. Sci., 2008, 2(2): 134‒142


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