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    Jiankun Liu, Atsushi Deguchi
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 928-943.

    Beijing is a typical traditional city in China, originating from the uniform and conventional grid plan, but transformed diversely, either on purpose or spontaneously. This research took the diversification process of grid blocks as an angle to understand the transformation process of Beijing’s urban morphology. It took 194 grid blocks within the 3rd Ring Road of Beijing as research objects. First, the paper proposed a whole view of Beijing’s grid blocks by 1) visualizing their construction process, 2) classifying 5 morphological clusters by 7 indicators (Block size, Block shape regularity, Intensity, Coverage, Network density, Plot shape regularity, Standard deviation of plot size), and 3) investigating their distribution. Second, the diversification process of grid blocks was clarified from two layers: the block-boundary layer and the inner-space layer. Finally, the mechanism of block form diversification was clarified by exploring the connections between elements in each layer, and the influence of urban development on block form transformation. The study re-defined the diversification process in a more quantitative way from both time and spatial dimension. It concluded that the diversification is influenced by changes in urban planning principles and locations, and emerged thorough the long-term transformation and resubdivision. The interaction between the boundary and the inner space stimulates the diversification. And based on these, it concluded with a discussion of limitations and potentials on grid blocks’ construction and renovation.

    Andrea Macruz, Ernesto Bueno, Gustavo Sol, Jaime Vega, Ricardo Palmieri, Bing Zhao
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 219-234.

    This research explores the capacity of emerging technologies to enhance well-being. It involves the generation of 2D biophilically-driven geometries to represent human-response-oriented built environments and conducts inter and intra-individual analyses to assess human responses using a range of technologies within the realms of facial micro-expression analysis and EEG biosensor use. The outcomes of this analysis allow for the grading of these geometries in terms of emotional valences, meditation levels, and subjective preferences. These graded geometries can subsequently be employed in specific architectural contexts, such as interior decor, wallpapers, furniture surfaces, or other architectural and interior components. It is an interdisciplinary effort that underscores the importance of incorporating emerging technological means with human-response-oriented design approaches to foster built environments that promote well-being.

    Hugo C. Gomez-Tone, Javier F. Raposo Grau
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 425-438.

    The conception drawing in architecture is that allows to initiate the architectural thinking, visualizing, and discovering the first ideas. This drawing has traditionally been given as an act of linking and collaboration between thought, sight, and the movement of the hands with a tool. Identifying and recognizing its characteristics will make it possible to deal with any mediation of information technologies. To establish such characteristics, three case studies were carried out. An analysis was made of the conception drawings and interviews by the Pritzker Prize laureates: Ando, Hadid and Gehry. One condition and four characteristics have been determined: drawing is a phenomenological action that produces haptic drawings; it is an undecided process that originates unformed drawings; it is a fast action that results in small and multiplied drawings; it is a perceptual act that generates redrawn and remarked drawings; and finally, it is an action that seeks to remember to resume the creative process at another moment, which produces rudimentary conventional drawings. Knowing these before any technological mediation will be an important pedagogical contribution that will allow future architects not to alter the cognitive processes that generate the first ideas in the initial moments of the architectural project.

    Ján Legény, Robert Špaček, Tomáš Hubinský, Lucia Benkovičová
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 699-711.

    Sustainability, beauty, and power are notions that hit our contemporary perception every day. However, they have been an integral part of architecture and urban planning in various forms since the ages. The paper presents their fundamental descriptions, followed by an assessment of their mutual relations and impact on architecture through a triangular architectural relation model developed by the authors of the article. Using the theoretical thought experiment, it highlights eight boundary models along with their main characteristics, in particular, the implosion, explosion, shared-control, utilitarian, no-control, supremacy, inside-forced, and outside-forced architectural related models. Such models can help predict future events, explain past events, make decisions, and plan strategies, or reveal problems and propose new solutions. Other applications include determination of the causes of certain results or finding out the responsibility and mechanisms that led to them. The authors are of the opinion that the mutual denominator of sustainability, beauty, and power represents ethics that should be forced in architectural education and practice.

    Jing Dong, Ruonan Guo, Fei Guo, Jun Cai
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 319-334.

    As an important element of urban renewal in highly urbanized areas, pocket parks with small size, flexible layout and daily accessibility are becoming a major component of green infrastructure and the mainstay of outdoor recreation space expansion in high-density urban centers. Nevertheless, the absence of a comprehensive framework for evaluating the potential of pocket park construction (PPC), one that integrates diverse influencing factors on a macro scale, has resulted in the random installation of such spaces, often failing to optimize the utilization of urban land. Addressing this critical lacuna, we propose an approach to evaluate PPC potential from a city-scale perspective, which is used to support the determination of which land units should be prioritized for PPC. A complete and feasible workflow was also established to identify potential land units, construct an index system for PPC combining demand and supply levels, quantitatively calculate indices based on remote sensing (RS) and geographic information system (GIS), accurately evaluate PPC potential using an entropy-weighted TOPSIS model, and develop targeted renewal strategies. A case study in Dalian, China, demonstrated the applicability and implications of the workflow. The results showed that it is flexible and easy to adapt to different local contexts, allowing evaluators to introduce parameters considering the availability of local data, and will help decision makers to build pocket parks in the most effective plots, providing a strong reference for high-quality development in other high-density urban centers facing the contradiction between ecological construction and land scarcity.

    Ruyi Yang, Xinyan Deng, Hanyu Shi, Zhuxuanzi Wang, Haoyang He, Jiaqi Xu, Yang Xiao
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 764-775.

    While new buildings continue to emerge in the process of urbanization, historical buildings, as valuable legacies carrying national historical memory, play an important role in the urban landscape. Previous studies have shown that color harmony is a crucial factor in coordinating urban landscapes. However, the evaluation of color harmony in historic areas and buildings lacks effective quantitative standards, often overlooking factors such as complementary color harmony and the compatibility of analogous colors. This study aims to build a new method to evaluate the color harmony of historical buildings through street view technology, semantic segmentation algorithms, quantification of color harmony methods based on image property detection and classification, questionnaire verification, and takes Shanghai’s historical buildings as an example to explore. Our study categorizes six types of color harmony indexes for Shanghai street-facing historic buildings into three levels, with the top tier serving as a benchmark for excellence and the lowest tier highlighting areas in need of urban environmental improvement. This study uniquely considers color compatibility within hue ranges and expanded relationship types like complementary harmony. This approach, applicable to cities globally, offers practical tools for urban planners and conservators in managing and preserving historic areas and buildings.

    Anca-Simona Horvath, Panagiota Pouliou
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 593-612.

    In this paper we present a research-through-design study where we employed text-to-text, text-to-image, and image-to-image generative tools for a conceptual architecture project for the eVolo skyscraper competition. We trained these algorithms on a dataset that we collected and curated, consisting of texts about and images of architecture. We describe our design process, present the final proposal, reflect on the usefulness of such tools for early-stage design, and discuss implications for future research and practice. By analysing the results from training the text-to-text generators we could establish a specific design brief that informed the final concept. The results from the image-to-image generator gave an overview of the shape grammars of previous submissions. All results were intriguing and can assist creativity and in this way, the tools were useful for gaining insight into historical architectural data, helped shape a specific design brief, and provoked new ideas. By reflecting on our design process, we argue that the use of language when employing such tools takes a new role and that three layers of language intertwined in our work: architectural discourse, programming languages, and annotations. We present a map that unfolds how these layers came together as a contribution to making machine learning more explainable for creatives.

    Chenhao Shen, Chuanfei Yu
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 895-911.

    Traditional Jiangnan garden architecture in China offers distinct spatial impressions that hold significance in contemporary architectural expression. Yet, the understanding and analysis of these spaces have historically relied on subjective, sensory experiences, often lacking precise, quantitative research. Consequently, establishing clear logical connections between visual cognition and emotional perception within these spatial experiences has been a challenge. This study introduces virtual reality spatial simulation and quantification techniques, summarizing key Jiangnan garden spatial characteristics and prototypes. It includes a series of virtual reality experiments focusing on cognitive experiences within Jiangnan garden spaces. A comprehensive analysis of isovisit quantitative data, questionnaires, and behavioral information explores the logical relationships between emotional perceptions (calmness, surprise, interest, confusion) and visual cognition qualities (openness, complexity, theatricality) in garden space impressions. This research aims to reveal deeper connections between garden space qualities, visual cognition, and emotional experiences, offering valuable insights for the application of historical traditional spatial features in contemporary architecture. It bridges the gap between sensory experiences and rational analysis, enhancing our understanding of the intricate spatial narratives within Jiangnan gardens.

    Gangyi Tan, Zhanxiang Chen, Jiangkun Zhu, Kai Wang
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 387-405.

    Formulating criteria for the assessment system of historic settlements is challenging due to complex geographical conditions and evaluator knowledge limitations, leading to subjective bias in the assessment process. To address this issue, this study proposes a data-driven method for assessing the features of historical settlements to carry out scientific and refined assessment and result analysis. Focusing on Northeast Hubei as the study area, this paper selects 3 historical settlements for validation and analysis. The results of the study show that (1) the data-driven method expands the methodological chain of assessing historical settlement features, and improves the assessment efficiency and scientificity of the assessment results by applying it to the new assessment process; (2) Through comparing the assessment results of the validation cases and data samples, the study establishes a comprehensive quantitative ranking of the assessment of historical settlement features and identifies the main influencing factors, thus enhancing the precision of result analysis; (3) By comparing the resulting assessment framework with the current assessment system, this study confirms the advantages of the proposed framework in identifying nuanced features and aligning with geographical conditions, thereby verifying the effectiveness of the data-driven method.

    Haining Wang, Yue Wang, Liang Zhao, Wei Wang, Zhixing Luo, Zixiao Wang, Jinghui Luo, Yihan Lv
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 876-894.

    For the significant energy consumption and environmental impact, it is crucial to identify the carbon emission characteristics of building foundations construction during the design phase. This study would like to establish a process-based carbon evaluating model, by adopting Building Information Modeling (BIM), and calculated the materialization-stage carbon emissions of building foundations without basement space in China, and identifying factors influencing the emissions through correlation analysis. These five factors include the building function type, building structure type, foundation area, foundation treatment method, and foundation depth. Additionally, this study develops several machine learning-based predictive models, including Decision Tree, Random Forest, XGBoost, and Neural Network. Among these models, XGBoost demonstrates a relatively higher degree of accuracy and minimal errors, can achieve the RMSE of 206.62 and R2 of 0.88 based on testing group feedback. The study reveals a substantial variability carbon emissions per building’s floor area of foundations, ranging from 100 to 2000 kgCO2e/m2, demonstrating the potential for optimizing carbon emissions during the design phase of buildings. Besides, materials contribute significantly to total carbon emissions, accounting for 78%-97%, suggesting a significant opportunity for using BIM technology in the design phase to optimize carbon reduction efforts.

    Bo Wan, Dongyang Wan, Qiang Sheng
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 305-318.

    This paper, set against the backdrop of expanding urban rail networks and dynamic urban development, focuses on the distribution and evolution of commercial Points of Interests (POIs) within the central urban rail transit areas of Beijing. The study examines data from four different years—2008, 2013, 2017, and 2020—to observe the temporal evolution of commercial entities. It identifies stable explanatory variables affecting the distribution and evolution of commercial POIs, which include rail transit accessibility, characteristics of the working and residential population distribution around stations, and the construction intensity in the vicinity of station areas. Through statistical analysis and model building, relatively stable linear regression equations were established, with R2 values generally maintained above 0.5 (except for 2017). The study advances our understanding of the influence of rail transit on urban commercial spaces and how this influence shifts with temporal and urban developmental changes. It elucidates the correlation between changes in the number of businesses and spatial configuration, offering insights and information for urban planners and policy makers. This research also serves as a model for exploring the interplay between urban rail transit and commercial spaces in other major cities.

    Maha Samman, Sarah Mitwassi, Abdel Rahman Kaloti
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 439-458.

    This study explores the role of Bedouins in preserving Palestinian land through their own means of community resilience through the concept of “Art of being” and its entailed “Arts of presence and persistence”. This is examined through the correlation between Bedouin lifestyle and the spatial distribution of structures within “Al-Kurshan” Bedouin clan in Area C in the West Bank. Based on a mixed qualitative and spatial methodologies, information was gathered through semi-structured interviews with Al-Kurshan Bedouins and employees of organizations supporting Bedouins, on-site observation, and analyses of maps and photos, in addition to drawings and illustrations. The spatial distribution of Bedouin built structures is analyzed in relation to landscape and climate, social aspects within the families, and available service and sectorial infrastructures. These analyses give insight on how Bedouins struggle against adopting other lifestyles. The study shows that the Bedouins are slowly forced to negotiate their semi-nomadic lifestyle, but resist giving up their right to exist against the threat of forced displacement. They maintain their “Art of being” which partly represents their own way of safeguarding Palestinian lands from confiscation. The study contributes to the wider discussion of spatial dynamics of Bedouins and their community resilience within the Palestinian geopolitical context.

    Esperanza González-Redondo
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 265-283.

    This paper presents an analytical framework for evaluating the impact of the two main processes identified in Madrid timber-framed courtyard buildings reinforcing the courtyard's crucial role in architectural heritage sustainability: their development caused dwellings to darken (1737–1950), and the existing challenge is to open new patios according to the listed buildings' protection policy.Critical findings in archival research and existing building assessments led to completed data collection and analysis. When exploring construction expansion, from the house towards the collective prototype around a gradually reduced patio and dwelling darkening (1737–1786), buildings resulted in open, semiopen, underlighted and closed designs. Study area on-site assessment uncovered the transition from the older low-rise type (1–3) floors to the modern closed model of up to (4–6) storeys.Construction enlargements, consequently reducing original green areas and courtyards, call for reversing that process or formulating a new strategy. It debates the partial demolition of listed buildings in upgrades and its agreement with the needed “blue courtyard” strategy (PGOUM), resulting from joining new rear individual patios to create a communal building block courtyard. The uncovered “in-between” type (1864), which integrates two open-air collective spaces, an inner courtyard and a back garden, appears challenging to explore.

    Xufang Li, Xiangpin Zhou, Feifan Weng, Fanzhuo Ding, Zhenxin Yi
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 613-624.

    The modern architectural heritage is the core carrier of city’s historical inheritance and vitality. Its value is related to the spatial and temporal evolution of the urban landscape, along with the collective memory of society and transformation in public life. The contradiction between high-speed urban construction and architectural heritage preservation has proliferated, and the problems of loss of heritage culture and fading of relics are very significant, but there is a lack of research on modern architectural heritage. This study analysed indepth the artistic archetypes and evolutionary characteristics of the architecture of Zhongshan Park in Xiamen through field research and historical data collation, adopting the theory method of architectural typology. Afterwards, we analysed the architectural typology of Zhongshan Park in Xiamen and the process of acculturation and translation with foreign cultures, explored the motives of its formation and the cultural meanings of the public space embodied in it. Based on this, we proposed a sustainable development heritage approach for the modern architectural heritage of Zhongshan Park in Xiamen. Our results indicate that modern architectural art has inherited classical Chinese historical and cultural traditions and ideological foundations. Its unique characteristics reflect the spirit of the times and result from the gradual development of Western influence. Moreover, it embodies a strong sense of national identity. These findings enrich the academic research on the cultural interaction between Chinese and Western architecture, offering valuable insights for the conservation and living heritage of modern architectural heritage in other regions.

    Mohsen Kamali
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 459-486.

    The relationship between tradition and modernity significantly influences society, culture, and architectural discourse. This philosophy offers a framework for exploring the impact of traditional architecture on contemporary Iranian architecture from different perspectives and approaches. Various viewpoints exist on whether historical architecture can be a defining characteristic of contemporary architectural discourse. Through an in-depth review of analysis-centred architectural literature, a unique method was chosen for analysing contemporary architecture and gaining insight into its creation. The main goal of this study is to establish a productive relationship between past-oriented architecture, innovative architectural concepts, and contemporary thought. This article examines three critical viewpoints, tradition as imitation, transmission, and transformation, alongside analysing their influential components on architectural form to gain insight into productively connecting with historical achievements and show that the role of history is to add new values to architecture-conscious needs that have changed during history. Ultimately, the challenge lies in finding a suitable path among diverse perspectives and reinterpretations and establishing a productive relationship with history and contemporary thought.

    Ruonan Guo, Fei Guo, Jing Dong, Zixuan Wang, Ruwei Zheng, Hongchi Zhang
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 682-697.

    Urban heat stress profoundly affects the health of residents. However, current research primarily focuses on quantifying the risk of urban heat based on LST, Ta, etc., overlooking the crucial and intimate influence of continuous intense solar radiation on human thermal comfort and health. Simultaneously, there is a lack of smaller units to support more precise planning. This study utilized the radiant heat stress intensity (RHSI) metric concentrating on the intensity and duration of thermal radiation, to develop a thermal-radiation induced health risk (TIHR) assessment system. Leveraging technologies such as the SOLWEIG model, Python, BERT, and GIS enables precise calculations of 12 spatial indices, including RHSI and Weibo heat. This facilitates a more accurate assessment of health risks at the smallest urban units (blocks) and directly guides planning. The application of this workflow in the case of Suoyuwan, Dalian, China, confirms its value, as it can be used to determine which blocks should be prioritized for specific aspects of risk prevention and control. The results show that some blocks exhibited differences in TIHR even within close proximity, with disaster-causing factors varying according to locations. This study proposes a novel assessment framework based on the interactive perspective of thermal radiation-human-activity-space.

    Iasef Md Rian
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 406-424.

    Chinese ice-ray (IR) lattices, known for their intricate and visually fascinating random patterns as decorative elements in traditional 18th-century Chinese window design, exhibit underlying stiffness as latticed window fences. Such unique patterns represent a new morphology within the family of stochastic lattices. However, the latent structural potential within the random patterns of ice-ray lattices remains largely unexplored, particularly in the context of lattice shell design. This study systematically studies the geometric qualities of ice-ray lattice patterns and develops an algorithm to model these patterns for ice-ray lattice shell design. Subsequently, it assesses the structural feasibility and effectiveness of these lattice shells in comparison to conventional gridshells. The practicality of constructing random lattice shells using digital fabrication tools is also explored. Employing fractal geometry as a foundational framework, this research not only offers insights into the potential of ice-ray lattices for innovative lattice shell design but also introduces a new structural morphology to the field, expanding the possibilities of incorporating stochastic patterns in lattice shell design. Ultimately, it opens up new opportunities for innovative lattice shell designs, emphasizing the potential of stochastic patterns in structural applications.

    Ning Xu, Kaidan Guan, Pu Wang
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 575-592.

    This study establishes an evaluation and optimization framework for the public transit network based on social network analysis and a greedy algorithm, aiming to explore a quantitative approach to improving access to urban parks through public transit optimization. Social network analysis and the ArcGIS platform are used to build a public transit network model within Nanjing Old City and analyze its overall network structure characteristics. The study also focuses on a method to improve the convenience of reaching regional and citylevel parks by public transit by increasing access and connecting points accordingly. A greedy algorithm is introduced to generate an optimized solution for improving public transit accessibility to regional and city-level parks, consequently enhancing their utilization. The major findings include: (1) The greedy algorithm effectively enhances the performance of the public transit network, but its benefits gradually diminish as more stations are added. (2) Strategically adding stations enhances the performance of most public transit access points, creating efficient pathways for other stations to directly reach these access points and enter regional and city-level parks. (3) The optimized public transit network model offers guidance for the planning and layout of regional and city-level parks. The site selection for new parks should prioritize establishing connections with the “hubs” in the public transit network. The proposed optimization of the public transit network in this study is specific to a single type of urban park, but subsequent research could be conducted to extend the optimization of public transit accessibility around more urban public resources.

    Ju Hyun Lee, Michael J. Ostwald
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 729-740.

    Palladio’s design principles, including proportion and harmony, have often been associated with mathematical definitions of beauty. However, the geometric and semantic properties of his façades have rarely been analysed in a holistic manner. There is little evidence of how mathematical beauty may be embodied in his architecture. This research investigates complexity (fractal dimension or D) and diversity (perplexity or PP) as aesthetic indices, aiming to capture distinct characteristics of Palladian architecture. The D and PP values of 22 Palladian villa façades are measured and analysed, before being compared with those of three Renaissance facades by Sebastiano Serlio. The combination of D and PP captures the geometric and semantic aesthetic qualities of architectural compositions. Importantly, the developed scatter plot of D and PP results supports the identification of four distinct aesthetic types of Palladian façade designs. The novel combination of D and PP measures contributes to a better understanding of one definition of the mathematical beauty of architecture, wherein “the whole is other than the sum of the parts” in compositional terms (a famous Gestalt principle). Specifically, this research provides new mathematical insights into the visual character of Palladian architecture and compares two important measures thereof.

    Grace Schleck, Lola Ben-Alon
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 235-248.

    The climate crisis disproportionately impacts disabled people. Yet climate-related advocacy, planning, and policymaking often neglect to thoughtfully include disabled people. Responding to this gap, disabled and neurodivergent environmental activists coined the term eco-ableism to describe discrimination and silencing toward disabled and neurodivergent people (i.e., ableism) arising in environmental spaces (i.e., eco-ableism). Relatedly, building operations and construction practices contribute a significant percentage of global, energy-related CO2 emissions annually, which calls into question the relationships between the impending climate crisis, disability justice, and architecture. Climate-specific, natural building materials and methods present a potential pathway toward a more sustainable built future: low-carbon, locally sourced, minimally processed, and nontoxic materials. Despite a critical overlap, there is little published research on material access in the production phase and human access in the occupation phase of natural buildings. Applying eco-ableism and material circularity in an architectural framework, this research aims to investigate the gaps and possibilities of access, natural material applications, and resulting US natural buildings informed by scholarship in critical disability studies and semi-structured interviews with natural building professionals.

  • Corrigendum
    Ozge Ceylin Yildirim, Aslı Sungur, Derya Gülec Ozer
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 284.
    Prin Jhearmaneechotechai
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 335-348.

    This paper discussed the selection criteria for Ordinary Urban Heritage (OUH) in Rattanakosin, the historic center of Bangkok through the case of ordinary restaurants and everyday foods. The OUH stands for an alternative approach to heritage understanding and conservation, derived from the notion of ordinary heritage, vernacular heritage, and urban heritage emphasizing the heritages of the everydayness of ordinary people. The OUHs have co-existed and inherited through the evolution of the city but are overlooked by the official conservation process. Ordinary restaurants and everyday foods were selected by 5 criteria, 1) appeared for more than 50 years; 2) created, developed, and used by ordinary people; 3) found as the clusters; 4) able to be adapted to the urban context; 5) exist until the present day.The methodology applied to the analysis of the historical documents and Bangkok maps from 1887 to 1974, and the selection criteria developed from past research in another old commercial district of Bangkok were also reinvestigated with observational surveys. Ordinary restaurants and everyday foods are the outcomes representing the heritage of everyday life of ordinary people that are ubiquitously related to commercial activities.

    D. Ben Ghida
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 625-638.

    The study of organic stabilization is crucial for understanding its impact on the durability and effectiveness of earthen plaster. Analyzing natural admixtures’ effects on plaster properties provides insights that aid in optimizing plaster composition and application for desired characteristics. The addition of biopolymers, known to enhance plaster performance, necessitates further investigation to understand their role in earthen plaster stabilization.

    This study focuses on Tata Somba homes in Benin and Togo, recognized as UNESCO World Heritage sites. These unique architectural examples embody “architecture without architects”, relying solely on local traditional knowledge. The objective is to explore and revive Tata Somba’s ancient eco-technology for earth plaster stabilization. Research shows that biopolymers’ combined stabilization and application techniques can improve earthen plaster performance. Seven promising bio-stabilizers were identified, suggesting their potential as sustainable, effective options for CO2 mitigation in buildings. These findings not only deepen our understanding of earthen architecture but also underscore the potential of merging traditional, eco-friendly building methods with modern scientific insights to create sustainable solutions for cultural heritage preservation and contemporary built environments.

  • Review Article
    Bita Vasseghipanah, Saeed Haghir
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 505-542.

    Since the beginning of the First Industrial Revolution, technology and its impact on art and design have been a topic of discussion. With the rise of digital technologies, there has been a renewed interest in exploring the relationship between technology and aesthetics. The aim of this paper is to clarify the concept of techno-aesthetics and make it a more accessible field of study by identifying its key discourses. In order to understand how technological objects have been evaluated in architectural history, a systematic review of 177 studies was conducted. The collected literature was analyzed using Kant’s characteristics of aesthetic judgment, discourse analysis techniques from Foucault’s methodology and Laclau and Mouffe’s discourse theory. This helped in creating a framework for classifying the literature. The study analyzed results based on five categories: admired technological objects and architectural objects inspired by them, concepts (function, truth, freedom, objectivity, unity, and power), standpoints (rationalism, romanticism, optimism, and determinism), and benchmarks of legitimation (ideology, history, scientific nature, everyday aesthetics, and sublimation of technology). These results were then combined to identify eleven significant discourses of techno-aesthetics.

    Nadir Rihani, Iatimad Akhrif, Mostapha El Jai
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 650-667.

    In the last decade, micro-architected structures have gained significant attention in academia and industry for their lightweight, strong, and thermally efficient properties. Inspired by biomimicry design, this paper presents a novel ribbed family of additively manufactured Micro-Architected Domes (MAD). The design incorporates tetrapod pyramid unit cells, golden ratio-based fractal patterns, Schoen’s Minimal Gyroid, and spherical geometry. The study focuses on dome radius, height, and azimuth/elevation partitioning as input variables, with the main output being ribbed micro-cell diameter. The relationships between unit-cells’ diameter and input variables were established through problem-solving and numerical computations: linear dependency with the dome radius and hyperbolic dependency with the azimuth and elevation partitioning. The proposed design successfully adhered to the Surface-to-Volume ratio of Schoen’s Minimal Gyroid, achieving an average volume relative density of 2.5%, confirming its lightweight nature. The feasibility of the design was further supported by fabricating three specimens using Filament Fused Fabrication. This research showcases the potential of biomimicry-inspired micro-architected structures, paving the way for innovative applications in various fields.

    Hatef Jafari Sharami, Seyed Jamalaldin Hosseini
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 349-369.

    The Isfahani style represents a method of traditional Iranian architecture and urban development that existed in the early 20th century and is regarded as a leading model in most traditional Iranian cities. It exhibits several vigorous features contributing to its recognition as a traditional approach to sustainable architecture and urban development. This research endeavors to reveal a theoretical framework beneath these inspiring aspects using the typology of sustainable modern forms, including the hierarchy, passive design strategies, compactness, density, diversity, mixed land use, pluralism, balance, good composition, and integration over time. To this end, the study employs qualitative research methods, drawing from traditional samples, to identify innovative, energy and socially efficient, and low-impact strategies implemented in this vernacular architecture of Iran's semi-arid and hot climates. The findings revealed that the neighborhood concept as a local and plural community (Mahalla) was a vital phenomenon in Iran's urban development. Apparently, the demise of this paradigm effectively played an important role in the numerous challenges regarding the social, energy, and economic viability of modern Iranian cities. Hence, this study presented theoretical frameworks—aligned with sustainable concepts—from the Isfahani style through its analysis, classification, and interpretation, which can contribute to modern urban development.

    Rodrigo García-Alvarado, Pedro Soza, Ginnia Moroni, Fernando Pedreros, Martín Avendaño, Pablo Banda, Cristian Berríos
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 912-927.

    The growth of 3D construction printing needs appropriate integration into the planning and execution phases of building projects. With this aim, the Architecture, Engineering, and Construction sector (AEC) has been increasingly adopting building information modeling (BIM) systems to synchronize design and construction processes. This study proposes a technical workflow to manage 3D construction printing into BIM models, evaluating various procedures according to construction element features. Based on mature software platforms, the research details the data transfer process using a case study of a single-story home. The case delves into design procedures for constructing walls of varied shapes, adjustments in width, joints, openings, textures, fillings, and the insertion of reinforcements and services while also discussing requirements of other building elements. Work steps for managing design information and controlling printing machines are described. The study’s outcome presents a comprehensive information flow, encompassing model segmentation, geometric data transfer, adjustments of details, and the generation of printing paths. Then, it is offered a discussion that underlines the importance of a synergistic digital information flow that merges both design and execution phases, promoting construction efficiency and the embrace of innovative technologies. The contribution of the paper focuses on technical design strategies for 3D construction printing, but also on suggesting an integrated process.

    Kim Hamers, Nienke Moor, Masi Mohammadi
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(3): 561-574.

    Dutch housing associations are dealing with a growing number of tenants who are ageing in place. Meanwhile, there is a lack of suitable housing that meets the (social) needs of this target group. Clustered housing, which offers a socio-spatial context that facilitates encounters between residents, is considered a promising housing concept to (partly) fill this gap. However, clustered housing is a broad concept consisting of a variety of housing types that differ from each other in the extent to which people “live together”. Still little is known about which types of clustered housing can be distinguished in relation to the potential for social interaction. Therefore, in this article we distinguish between types of clustered housing based on social, organizational, and spatial building characteristics. We have mapped these characteristics by combining real estate data of housing association Woonzorg Nederland with survey data collected among their building managers. Based on this dataset, an explorative cluster analysis was performed, resulting in four types of clustered housing. Finally, further exploration of the data shows that, from the perspective of building managers, residents of certain types of clustered housing interact more often and feel more connected with each other than residents of non-clustered housing types.

    Mine Hamamcıoğlu-Turan, Engin Aktaș, Özge Deniz Toköz
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(4): 712-728.

    This study aims to contribute to the understanding of the evolution of art and construction in the early settlements established by Turkish communities on the far west Asian coast by focusing on two developed examples in Urla Peninsula. Conventional surveying and evaluation techniques of architectural restoration and civil engineering were utilized. Key findings include the understanding of the hierarchy of rural settlements in the studied landscape: old Çesme the most developed village of peninsula in the 16th century. It was positioned along a valley in distance to coast, but in control of harbor that played significant role in commerce between Europe and Asia. Its mosque and tomb, dated to late 14th - early 15th centuries, used to crown it. Cylindrical minaret tower of mosque, domed tomb tower on a cubical base and squinch in the transition zone of mosque are evidences for Central Asian roots. Usage of local lime stone, re-usage of andesite blocks, framing of the stone blocks with bricks, and pendentive in tomb refer to Roman-Byzantine constructions. The study presents the development of Turkish art and construction on the far west Asian coast in the 14th‒15th centuries. Findings will be a guide for related conservation management in similar contexts.

    Mohammad Amin Moradi, Omid Mohammadrashidi, Navid Niazkar, Morteza Rahbar
    Frontiers of Architectural Research, 2024, 13(2): 370-386.

    In today's world, various approaches and parameters exist for designing a plan and determining its spatial, placement. Hence, various modes for identifying crucial locations can be explored when an architectural plan is designed in different dimensions. While designing all these modes takes considerable time, there are numerous potential applications for artificial intelligence (AI) in this domain. This study aims to compute and use an adjacency matrix to generate architectural residential plans. Additionally, it develops a plan generation algorithm in Rhinoceros software, utilizing the Grasshopper plugin to create a dataset of architectural plans. In the following step, the data was entered into a neural network to identify the architectural plan's type, furniture, icons, and use of spaces, which was achieved using YOLOv4, EfficientDet, YOLOv5, DetectoRS, and RetinaNet. The algorithm's execution, testing, and training were conducted using Darknet and PyTorch. The research dataset comprises 12,000 plans, with 70% employed in the training phase and 30% in the testing phase. The network was appropriately trained practically and precisely in relation to an average precision (AP) resulting of 91.50%. After detecting the types of space use, the main research algorithm has been designed and coded, which includes determining the adjacency matrix of architectural plan spaces in seven stages. All research processes were conducted in Python, including dataset preparation, network object detection, and adjacency matrix algorithm design. Finally, the adjacency matrix is given to the input of the proposed plan generator network, which consequently, based on the resulting adjacency, obtains different placement modes for spaces and furniture.