Feb 2024, Volume 19 Issue 1

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    Zhixiu LI, Haipeng QU

    Assume that G is a finite non-abelian p-group. If G has an abelian maximal subgroup whose number of Generators is at least n, then G is called an Mn-group. For p = 2, M2-groups have been classified. For odd prime p, this paper provides the isomorphism classification of M2-groups, thereby achieving a complete classification of M2-groups.

    Yinzhen MEI, Peng WANG

    Assume that S is an nth-order complex sign pattern. If for every nth degree complex coefficient polynomial f(λ) with a leading coefficient of 1, there exists a complex matrix CQ(S) such that the characteristic polynomial of C is f(λ), then S is called a spectrally arbitrary complex sign pattern. That is, if the spectrum of nth-order complex sign pattern S is a set comprised of all spectra of nth-order complex matrices, then S is called a spectrally arbitrary complex sign pattern. This paper presents a class of spectrally arbitrary complex sign pattern with only 3n nonzero elements by adopting the method of Schur complement and row reduction.

    Liying KANG, Jiawei HUANG, Yisai XUE, Zhiwei WU

    Let F be a graph and H be a hypergraph. We say that H contains a Berge-F If there exists a bijection φ: E(F)→E(H) such that for eE(F), eφ(e), and the Turán number of Berge-F is defined to be the maximum number of edges in an r-uniform hypergraph of order n that is Berge-F-free, denoted by exr(n, Berge-F). A linear forest is a graph whose connected components are all paths or isolated vertices. Let Ln,k be the family of all linear forests of n vertices with k edges. In this paper, Turán number of Berge-Ln,k in an r-uniform hypergraph is studied. When rk +1 and 3 rk121, we determine the exact value of exr(n, Berge-Ln,k) respectively. When k12rk, we determine the upper bound of exr(n, Berge-Ln,k).

    Yanhui BI, Jia LI

    This paper studies the properties of Nambu-Poisson geometry from the (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on a smooth manifold M. Firstly, we examine the automorphism group and infinitesimal on higher order Courant algebroid, to prove the integrability of infinitesimal Courant automorphism. Under the transversal smooth morphism ϕ:NM and anchor mapping of M on (n−1, k)-Dirac structure, it’s holds that the pullback (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on M turns out an (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on N. Then, given that the graph of Nambu-Poisson structure takes the form of (n−1, n−2)-Dirac structure, it follows that the single parameter variety of Nambu-Poisson structure is related to one variety closed n-symplectic form under gauge transformation. When ϕ:NMis taken as the immersion mapping of (n−1)-cosymplectic submanifold, the pullback Nambu-Poisson structure on M turns out the Nambu-Poisson structure on N. Finally, we discuss the (n−1, 0)-Dirac structure on M can be integrated into a problem of (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid. Under the mapping Π: MM/H, the corresponding (n−1, 0)-Dirac structure is F and E respectively. If E can be integrated into (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid (g,Ω), then there exists the only ω¯, such that the corresponding integral of F is (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid (g,¯ω¯).