Higher order Dirac structure and Nambu-Poisson geometry
Yanhui BI, Jia LI
Higher order Dirac structure and Nambu-Poisson geometry
This paper studies the properties of Nambu-Poisson geometry from the (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on a smooth manifold M. Firstly, we examine the automorphism group and infinitesimal on higher order Courant algebroid, to prove the integrability of infinitesimal Courant automorphism. Under the transversal smooth morphism and anchor mapping of M on (n−1, k)-Dirac structure, it’s holds that the pullback (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on M turns out an (n−1, k)-Dirac structure on N. Then, given that the graph of Nambu-Poisson structure takes the form of (n−1, n−2)-Dirac structure, it follows that the single parameter variety of Nambu-Poisson structure is related to one variety closed n-symplectic form under gauge transformation. When is taken as the immersion mapping of (n−1)-cosymplectic submanifold, the pullback Nambu-Poisson structure on M turns out the Nambu-Poisson structure on N. Finally, we discuss the (n−1, 0)-Dirac structure on M can be integrated into a problem of (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid. Under the mapping : , the corresponding (n−1, 0)-Dirac structure is F and E respectively. If E can be integrated into (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid , then there exists the only , such that the corresponding integral of F is (n−1)-presymplectic groupoid .
Nambu-Poisson structure / n-symplectic structure / (n−1, k)-Dirac structure / integrability
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