Diffusion bound and reducibility for discrete Schr?dinger equations with tangent potential
Shiwen ZHANG, Zhiyan ZHAO
Diffusion bound and reducibility for discrete Schr?dinger equations with tangent potential
In this paper, we consider the lattice Schr¨odinger equations , with α satisfying a certain Diophantine condition, , and τ = 1 or 2, where is a spatial localized real bounded potential satisfying . We prove that the growth of H1 norm of the solution is at most logarithmic if the initial data for ϵ sufficiently small and a.e. x fixed. Furthermore, suppose that the linear equation has a time quasi-periodic potential, i.e., . Then the linear equation can be reduced to an autonomous equation for a.e. x and most values of the frequency vectors ω if ϵ and δ are sufficiently small.
Tangent potential / reducibility / Sobolev norm / Birkhoff normal form
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