Sum of squares methods for minimizing polynomial forms over spheres and hypersurfaces
Jiawang NIE
Front. Math. China ›› 2012, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (2) : 321-346.
Sum of squares methods for minimizing polynomial forms over spheres and hypersurfaces
This paper studies the problem of minimizing a homogeneous polynomial (form) f(x) over the unit sphere . The problem is NP-hard when f(x) has degree 3 or higher. Denote by fmin (resp. fmax) the minimum (resp. maximum) value of f(x) on . First, when f(x) is an even form of degree 2d, we study the standard sum of squares (SOS) relaxation for finding a lower bound of the minimum fmin:
Let fsos be the above optimal value. Then we show that for all n≥2d,Here, the constant C(d) is independent of n. Second, when f(x) is a multi-form and becomes a multi-unit sphere, we generalize the above SOS relaxation and prove a similar bound. Third, when f(x) is sparse, we prove an improved bound depending on its sparsity pattern; when f(x) is odd, we formulate the problem equivalently as minimizing a certain even form, and prove a similar bound. Last, for minimizing f(x) over a hypersurface defined by a positive definite form g(x), we generalize the above SOS relaxation and prove a similar bound.Approximation bound / form / hypersurface / L2-norm / G-norm / multi-form / polynomial / semidefinite programming / sum of squares
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