Guidelines for Reviewers

Frontiers of Literary Studies in China
Reviewers’ Guide
The Editorial Office
Frontiers of Literary Studies in China
4 Huixin dongjie, Chaoyang District,
Beijing 100029, China
Tel: 86-10-58556477, Fax: 86-10-58556517;
Thank you for evaluating this article for Frontiers of Literary Studies in China. Your name will not be revealed to anyone outside the editorial staff without your permission.
1. How would you rate the importance of this work?
2. Does the article provide new or little-known material?
3. Does the article make a new understanding of the subject?
4. Would you say that the scholarship that went into this work is
__Excellent    __Very good              __Adequate        __Inadequate
Please explain your answer
5. Do you have any comments about the literary style or the organizations of this article? Do you have any suggestions how to improve this work?
6. What is your overall recommendation?
__Strongly recommend publication and accept as it is
__Accept but recommend some revisions
__Recommend revisions and resubmission
Please attach your extensive comments on a separate piece of paper.

Pubdate: 2014-01-18    Viewed: 1735