Encountering Yourself in a Fairy-Tale World: Fairy Tale Narrative of Short Stories by Chi Zijian

  • LIANG Hai
  • Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116024, China


2022 Higher Education Press


The short stories written by Chi Zijian always breathe life into the daily trifles of ordinary people with hope and compassion, exploring a spiritual power that overcomes suffering and universal love beyond life and death. Through the mysterious connection between humanity and nature, her stories attempt to paint a landscape of the real world of interconnection and inter-transformation. It is essentially a form of fairy tale narrative. Consequently, the essence of “poetry” is achieved in the dialectical unity between childhood and maturity, lightness and weight, constituting a foundational dimension of the artistic spirit.

Cite this article

LIANG Hai . Encountering Yourself in a Fairy-Tale World: Fairy Tale Narrative of Short Stories by Chi Zijian[J]. Frontiers of Literary Studies in China, 2022 , 16(3) : 484 -500 . DOI: 10.3868/s010-011-022-0022-9

