Aerodynamic design by jointly applying S2 flow surface calculation and modern optimization methods on multistage axial turbine

  • Academy of Energy Science and Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology

Published date: 05 Mar 2008


A three-stage axial turbine was redesigned by jointly applying S2 flow surface direct problem calculation methods and multistage local optimization methods. A genetic algorithm and artificial neural network were jointly adopted during optimization. A three-dimensional viscosity Navier–Stokes equation solver was applied for flow computation. H-O-H-topology grid was adopted as computation grid, that is, an H-topology grid was adopted for inlet and outlet segment, whereas an O-topology grid was adopted for stator zone and rotor zone. Through the optimization design, the total efficiency increases 1.1%, thus indicating that the total performance is improved and the design objective is achieved.

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ZHAO Honglei, WANG Songtao, HAN Wanjin, FENG Guotai . Aerodynamic design by jointly applying S2 flow surface calculation and modern optimization methods on multistage axial turbine[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2008 , 2(1) : 93 -98 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-008-0007-4


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