1000 MW ultra-supercritical turbine steam parameter optimization

  • Shanghai Waigaoqiao No. 3 Power Generation Co Ltd

Published date: 05 Jun 2008


The 2 × 1000 MW ultra-supercritical steam turbine of Shanghai Waigaoqiao Phase III project, which uses grid frequency regulation and overload control through an overload valve, is manufactured by Shanghai Turbine Company using Siemens technology. Through optimization, the steam pressure is regarded as the criterion between constant pressure and sliding pressure operation. At high circulating water temperature, the turbine overload valve is kept closed when the unit load is lower than 1000 MW while at other circulating water temperatures the turbine can run in sliding pressure operation when the unit load is higher than 1000 MW and the pressure is lower than 27 MPa This increases the unit operation efficiency. The 3D bending technology in the critical piping helps to reduce the project investment and minimize the reheat system pressure drop which improves the unit operation efficiency and safety. By choosing lower circulating water design temperature and by setting the individual Boiler Feedwater Turbine condenser to reduce the exhaust steam flow and the heat load to the main condenser, the unit average back pressure and the terminal temperature difference are minimized. Therefore, the unit heat efficiency is increased.

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FENG Weizhong . 1000 MW ultra-supercritical turbine steam parameter optimization[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2008 , 2(2) : 187 -193 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-008-0030-5


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