Modification of premixed combustion in shear layers by grid turbulence

  • Institute of Engineering Thermophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China;

Published date: 05 Jun 2007


The influence of grid turbulence on the shear layer of a jet and the premixed flames embedded in it was investigated in the present study. The velocity field of the jet was measured by using hot-wire anemometry. It was found that grid turbulence reduced turbulence intensities in the shear layer and suppressed low frequency fluctuation. Moreover, the energy contained in small-scale fluctuation was increased and turbulence became homogeneous. The results indicate that grid turbulence inhibits the formation of a large-scale coherent structure in the shear layer. Flame temperature was measured by using a compensated fine-wire thermocouple. It was found that grid turbulence reduced low frequency fluctuation of the flame fronts, increased the small-scale wrinkles and elevated the mean temperature of the flame zone. The results show that grid turbulence can enhance and stabilize premixed flames in shear flow.

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MU Kejin, WANG Yue, ZHANG Zhedian, NIE Chaoqun . Modification of premixed combustion in shear layers by grid turbulence[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2007 , 1(2) : 245 -250 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-007-0034-6

