Centrifugal compressor blade optimization based on uniform design and genetic algorithms

  • School of Mechanical Engineering, Shanghai Jiao Tong University;

Published date: 05 Dec 2008


An optimization approach to centrifugal compressor blade design, incorporating uniform design method (UDM), computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis technique, regression analysis method and genetic algorithms (GA), is presented. UDM is employed to generate the geometric information of trial samples whose performance is evaluated by CFD technique. Then, function approximation of sample information is performed by regression analysis method. Finally, global optimization of the approximative function is obtained by genetic algorithms. Taking maximum isentropic efficiency as objective function, this optimization approach has been applied to the optimum design of a certain centrifugal compressor blades. The results, compared with those of the original one, show that isentropic efficiency of the optimized impeller has been improved which indicates the effectiveness of the proposed optimization approach.

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SHU Xinwei, GU Chuangang, XIAO Jun, GAO Chuang . Centrifugal compressor blade optimization based on uniform design and genetic algorithms[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2008 , 2(4) : 453 -456 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-008-0083-5


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