New response surface model and its applications in aerodynamic optimization of axial compressor blade profile

  • National Key Laboratory of Aircraft Engine, Beihang University

Published date: 05 Dec 2008


A parametric method for the axial compressor 2D blade profiles is proposed in which the blade geometries are defined with the parameters commonly used for blade definition, which ensures that the geometric significance is clear and an unreasonable blade profile is not generated. Several illustrations are presented to show the fitting precision of the method. A novel response surface model is proposed which regards the objective distribution function in the vicinity of a sample as normal school, and then generates the response surface function in the whole design space by a linear combination of distribution functions of all the samples. Based on this model, a numerical aerodynamic optimization platform for the axial compressor 2D blade profiles is developed, by which aerodynamic optimization of two compressor blade profiles are presented.

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LIU Xiaojia, NING Fangfei . New response surface model and its applications in aerodynamic optimization of axial compressor blade profile[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2008 , 2(4) : 541 -549 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-008-0077-3


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