Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV
Received date: 12 Dec 2020
Accepted date: 26 Feb 2021
Published date: 15 Dec 2022
A fan-stirred combustion chamber is deve-loped for spherically expanding flames, with P and T up to 10 bar and 473 K, respectively. Turbulence characteristics are estimated using particle image velocimetry (PIV) at different initial pressures (P = 0.5–5 bar), fan frequencies (ω = 0–2000 r/min), and impeller diameters (D = 100 and 114 mm). The flame propagation of methanol/air is investigated at different turbulence intensities (u′=0–1.77 m/s) and equivalence ratios (φ = 0.7–1.5). The results show that u′ is independent of P and proportional to ω, which can be up to 3.5 m/s at 2000 r/min. LT is independent of P and performs a power regression with ω approximately. The turbulent field is homogeneous and isotropic in the central region of the chamber while the inertial subrange of spatial energy spectrum is more collapsed to –5/3 law at a high ReT. Compared to laminar expanding flames, the morpho-logy of turbulent expanding flames is wrinkled and the wrinkles will be finer with the growth of turbulence intensity, consistent with the decline of the Taylor scale and the Kolmogorov scale. The determined SL in the present study is in good agreement with that of previous literature. The SL and ST of methanol/air have a non-monotonic trend with φ while peak ST is shifted to the richer side compared to SL. This indicates that the newly built turbulent combustion chamber is reliable for further experimental study.
Haoran ZHAO , Jinhua WANG , Xiao CAI , Zhijian BIAN , Hongchao DAI , Zuohua HUANG . Development of a fan-stirred constant volume combustion chamber and turbulence measurement with PIV[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2022 , 16(6) : 973 -987 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-021-0762-z
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