From GRS’ current perception, safety cases for SMRs by vendors and operators will definitely rely on safety analyses with simulation tools as evidence. The assessment of these safety cases by regulators will include independent confirmatory calculations by TSOs at least for a few selected cases. In both cases, the simulation tools may be identical to those which are already developed, validated, and successfully applied to Gen II LWRs or, if required, dedicated new developments. Already developed tools are e.g., the GRS
• code QUABOX/CUBBOX (a 3-D neutron kinetics core model) and
• the system code package AC
2 [
55] consisting of the codes
- ATHLET (a lumped parameter code for analysis of leaks and transients in the reactor coolant circuit (RCS)),
- ATHLET-CD (the extension of ATHLET for severe accident analyses in the RCS including core meltdown and fission product release) and
- COCOSYS (a lumped parameter code for analysis of conditions within the containment and buildings of NPPs in case of accidents and severe accidents).
One example for a recent new development at GRS is the neutron kinetics simulation code FENNECS (finite element neutron kinetics code system), based on modern calculation methods, not yet included in Fig. 1.
Considering the main findings in GRS’ SMR study [
13], a critical reassessment shows that the main conclusions of the study still hold. While some SMR designs might have been discontinued in the interim, new designs have entered the field, and some have progressed toward licensing and deployment. From the authors’ point of view, integral PWR SMRs are still the most promising candidates and should be in the center of GRS’ strategic program development and validation activities. However, it is necessary to keep looking for emerging developments (e.g., vSMR and SMR based on liquid metal, molten salt or high temperature gas technology). For all these developments, the questions arise, if, where and in what quantities these plants would be built.
Given the work already achieved in the interim, the following conclusions can be drawn for the next steps. The challenges/simulation requirements for the neutron kinetics codes for both development and validation in terms of SMR conditions are
• long fuel cycle length (>24 month),
• higher burn-up (>50 MWd/kg) and/or higher fuel enrichment,
• advanced loading pattern,
• boron free core under consideration of the behavior of burnable absorber at the beginning of new cycles,
• moveable (steel) reflectors for long-term compensation of excess reactivity
• advanced, more resilient materials for fuel, cladding, and components.
Similarly, the system code package AC
2 requires further improvements: Besides models for non-LWR designs, further model improvements and extended validation is also needed for LWR SMR, and specifically for integral PWR SMRs. The increased reliance of integral PWR SMRs on passive safety features, particularly for core cooling and decay heat removal to an ultimate heat sink, necessitates model improvement for the ATHLET and COCOSYS codes [
56], for which actively driven safety systems were in focus in the past. Several passive safety features work with small driving forces so that a simplifying treatment of phenomena, engineering level approximations and the coarse nodalisation in a 1D system code need careful application and review. Relevant areas for further model improvements include:
• single/two phase flow natural convection, transition range between single and two-phase natural convection and emergence of flow instabilities,
• heat transfer correlations for passive safety systems in the cooling circuit and in the containment, achieving a better predictive quality for the intended applications as well as improved consideration of different geometries, flow conditions, lower pressures and temperatures, and impact of non-condensables,
• specific models for innovative, high-performance heat exchangers, including compact plate and helically coiled types,
• improved prediction of bundle heat transfers for free convection, subcooled, or saturated boiling conditions both in the cooling circuit and the containment,
• prediction of free convection, stratification, and heat transfer in large water pools used as heat sinks for passive safety systems, including coarse 3D models, and prediction of heat transfer for large structures with Rayleigh (Ra) numbers>>1012,
• impact of advanced fuel concepts on heat transfer, critical heat flux, and core degradation,
• improved simulation of passive safety systems considering e.g., special components, start-up behavior, mutual interaction of different passive safety systems or trains of one passive safety system, extension of the scope of correlations for containment heat transfer,
• better heat transfers between the cooling circuit and the containment and improved coupling between AC2 programs ATHLET and COCOSYS,
• improved thermo-physical properties for both water at a pressure below 1 MPa and temperatures below 180°C, and non-condensable,
• the assessment of occurrence of flow induced vibrations and their effects,
• the operation mode and operation boundaries of heat pipes (viscous, sonic, entrainment, capillary, and boiling limits), enhancement of the parameter ranges of correlations toward low pressures, improvement and validation of the semi-empirical closure correlations for interphase friction, heat and mass transfer and if necessary implementation of properties for new heat pipe working fluids,
• check-valves, in which the opening cross section and the associated form loss is calculated dependent on the pressure difference up- and downstream the valve,
• steam condensation at containment walls, structures and internals especially for the case of small break (SB) LOCA, inertised containment or containment operated under near vacuum conditions,
• infinite passive containment cooling to an ultimate heat sink in ocean environment (influence of seawater, mussel growth, etc.).
Model improvements need to be systematically validated. This is possible in most cases against single-effect or combined effect tests for large LWR. This should be complemented with specific tests, including integral tests, at dedicated SMR facilities. This way, scaling effects can be adequately captured in the code validation. GRS is actively engaging with its international partners and is participating in national and international activities for acquiring access to dedicated SMR tests [
19], which unfortunately are often proprietary to the designers and their immediate collaborators.
Current activities in neutron kinetics
The main current neutron kinetic research activity in this working area is the development of the 3D few-energy group neutron kinetics code FENNECS (Finite Element Neutron Kinetics Code System) for the safety assessment of SMR, vSMR, as well as advanced reactors and innovative reactor concepts with complex and irregular geometries within the framework of a national research project Adaptive Geometry Neutron Transport (AGeNT) sponsored by the German Federal Ministry of Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi). The activities on the latter reactor designs are not included in this paper. In addition, there is plenty of work on fuel rod behavior, advanced materials for nuclear fuel, and cladding for large LWRs, whose results are also important for SMRs in the national research project Accident Tolerant Fuel Analyses (ACTOFAN). ACTOFAN is also sponsored by BMWi. Further work on liquid metal cooled reactors, also relevant for liquid metal cooled SMRs, is performed within the national research project Innovative Systems (INNOSYS) and the European Horizon 2020 Project European Sodium Fast Reactor – Safety Measures Assessment and Research Tools (ESFR-SMART).
The particularity of most SMR cores is their compactness, which may exhibit large neutron flux gradients and increased leakage, long cycle times, complex geometries deviating from regular lattices, and heterogeneous material composition with special fuels, absorbers, and cooling media. The new GRS neutron kinetics code FENNECS solves the time-dependent and steady-state 3-D few-energy group diffusion equation in the Galerkin finite element representation, using upright triangular prisms with linear basis functions as spatial elements [
57]. The time integration of both transport and delayed neutron precursor equations is conducted implicitly which provides unconditional numerical stability. Wielandt iteration is applied for convergence acceleration of the eigenvalue problem. FENNECS is also coupled [
58] to the GRS thermal-hydraulic system code ATHLET [
47] for thermal-hydraulic feedback. FENNECS uses macroscopic cross section libraries in NEMTAB-like format, which may be parameterized with respect to up to six thermal-hydraulic feedback parameters with linear cross section interpolation. For the meshing of regular rectangular or hexagonal lattice arrangements, FENNECS comes with a built-in meshing tool which generates a list of nodes and element connectivity data. SMRs, vSMRs, and micro reactors, however, it may be characterized by significantly more complex, irregular geometries. For the meshing of such geometries, a specialized meshing software implemented in Python has been developed [
59] which provides dedicated, problem-dependent node, and element connectivity data for FENNECS.
An early version of FENNECS has been applied first to and assessed against other neutronics codes for the prismatic (or block type) high-temperature reactor MHTGR-350MW within an OECD/NEA benchmark activity [
60] and the sodium cooled fast reactor concept ASTRID [
61] within the EU project ESNII+. Currently, FENNECS is applied to simulate the neutronic start-up tests of the China Experimental Fast Reactor (CEFR, see also Section 2.3) in the frame of an IAEA Coordinated Research Project [
Even if vSMRs are not the subject of this paper, the following simulation of the Heat Pipe-cooled Micro Reactor (HPMR) [
63] clearly demonstrates the advanced state of the FENNECS development, its performance as well as its application potential [
59]. The HPMR core consists of 192 hexagonal fuel elements surrounded by six control rod drums (see Fig. 2), which are adding or removing neutron reflectivity and thus reactivity to the core, depending on their orientation. Each fuel element has a central cylindrical heat pipe with a 3 cm diameter surrounded by the fuel contained within a hexagonal stainless steel can. Axially, each fuel element consists of two 15 cm axial reflector zones, composed of beryllium oxide (BeO), directly placed above and below the 100 cm fuel zone. The fuel is of metallic type and consists of 18.1% enriched uranium.
Fig.2 The HPMR core consisting of 192 hexagonal fuel elements surrounded by six control rod drums. |
Full size|PPT slide
The Monte Carlo code Serpent [
64] has been used for generation of macroscopic cross sections in 12 energy groups and for providing a 3-D reference solution using continuous energy nuclear data. FENNECS models of the all rods out (ARO) and the all rods in (ARI) state are shown in Fig. 3. The multiplication factors obtained with FENNECS agree to within 39 pcm for the ARO and 142 pcm for the ARI state with the respective Serpent reference solution.
Current thermal hydraulic activities
As mentioned above, there are multiple challenges for the AC2 system code package regarding model improvements and validation for SMRs, for which GRS is in the process of resolving. Consequently, GRS’ new nationally funded projects for the development and validation of AC2 put a specific focus on issues related to advanced LWR and integral SMR of PWR type designs. This is accompanied by collaborations with national and international partners on specific topics.
For example, in the already completed EASY project [
65], GRS in collaboration with national partners validated AC
2 and particularly its herein included thermal-hydraulic programm ATHLET for the passive safety systems of the Framatome design KERENA
® using data of the INKA test facility. First model improvements as to horizontal bundle two-phase heat transfer were implemented with further work still outstanding.
GRS initiated the national research alliance VASiL. One objective is the implementation and validation of dedicated models for innovative heat exchangers of the compact plate, bayonet, and helically coiled type. In addition, improved models for evaporation from water pools will be implemented. Finally, AC
2/ATHLET is validated by performing test calculations for generic input decks of extant SMR designs and assessing their quality against available information in the literature. Complimentary to VASiL, GRS is also involved in the EU HORIZON2020 ELSMOR (Toward European Licensing of Small Modular Reactors) project, as one of 15 organisations from 8 countries under the lead of VTT, Finland. In ELSMOR systematic methods for the safety assessments especially of SMRs are developed. Furthermore, the project shall intend to utilize the existing European experimental infrastructures and prepare modeling/evidence tools to be ready for use in nuclear licensing procedures [
GRS also takes part in the EU HORIZON 2020 project PASTELS (Passive Systems: Simulating the Thermal hydraulics with Experimental Studies), started in September 2020. This project aims at improving passive heat removal technologies for LWR designs (e.g., the safety condenser of a PWR and the containment condenser of a VVER). Respective tests are performed at the PKL and PASI facilities. This is accompanied by extensive work on validation of recent thermal-hydraulics codes, including GRS’ AC2 package, for the simulation of passive safety systems.
Within a joint national R&D project, GRS has improved ATHLET models for water-filled wickless heat pipes (thermosiphons) proposed for long-term passive spent fuel pool cooling and validated them against dedicated experiments at the University of Stuttgart [
67]. This work continues with the PALAWERO-II project, where further improvements for ATHLET models will be derived, implemented, and tested against experiments at the ATHOS test facility in Stuttgart.
Zittau-Görlitz University of Applied Sciences is finalising a new implementation of a IAPWS-97 thermophysical properties library for ATHLET, which will provide the backbone of fluid properties calculations for the AC2 package. The parameter range of this water-steam fluid properties package is extended into the near vacuum range. Besides, Zittau-Görlitz University of Applied Sciences will also provide a real gas model for non-condensable.
Further topics relevant for SMR, which are carried out within the framework of the national ATHLET development project are the development of coupling interfaces (e.g., COCOSYS and ATHLET-CD of the AC2 suite), the refactoring of heat transfer package, and its alignment with flow maps.
Similarly, ongoing work in COCOSYS development and validation improves models for passive containment cooling systems, covering both heat exchangers with natural circulation heat transfer to external water pools and condensation heat transfer at large containment structures. Moreover, complementary to ACTOFAN activities, improved models for accident tolerant fuel are added to ATHLET-CD and validated within the scope of the OECD/NEA QUENCH and the upcoming QUENCH-ATF project.
Finally, GRS is also pursuing the further improvement of its AC2 code package for other working fluids than water (e.g., supercritical water, gases, liquid metals, and molten salts).
All activities described above are accompanied by dedicated and planned activities in the continuous AC2 development and validation projects of GRS.