Dynamic mechanism for the decline of China’s energy intensity during the 11th FYP (Five-Year Plan)
Received date: 13 Jul 2010
Accepted date: 17 Sep 2010
Published date: 05 Sep 2011
From 2006 to 2009, the aggregate energy intensity of China fell by 14.38%,<FootNote>
In December 2009, China published the outcomes of the second national economic census, according to which the actual decrease in energy intensity was 12.45% rather than 10.1% from 2006 to 2008. Because of the lack of detailed data in this census, the analysis in this paper is still based on the data published by the statistical yearbook. Thus, in this paper, the decline in the energy intensity of China is still assumed to be 10.1% from 2006 to 2008, with declines of 1.79%, 4.04%, and 4.59% in each year, respectively.
</FootNote> which means that China has made substantial progress towards its goal of achieving approximately a 20% reduction in energy intensity during the period of the 11th FYP (Five-Year Plan). This paper describes some new properties of the mechanism for the decrease in China’s energy intensity since the beginning of the 11th FYP. First, compared with the period of the 10th FYP, technical, structural, and residential energy-savings have been improved to a certain extent. Secondly, unlike the dynamic mechanism before 2000, technical energy savings have been the main driver of momentum since the beginning of the 11th FYP. Next, although structural energy savings are not the main factor, they are still a key factor for the decrease in energy intensity. Finally, residential energy savings are still a stable driver of momentum for the decline in China’s energy intensity.
Minghui LI . Dynamic mechanism for the decline of China’s energy intensity during the 11th FYP (Five-Year Plan)[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 0 , 5(3) : 237 -249 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-010-0130-x
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