Exergy losses in premixed flames of dimethyl ether and hydrogen blends
Received date: 14 Apr 2019
Accepted date: 09 Jul 2019
Published date: 15 Dec 2019
A second-law thermodynamic analysis was conducted for stoichiometric premixed dimethyl ether (DME)/hydrogen (H2)/air flames at atmospheric pressure. The exergy losses from the irreversibility sources, i.e., chemical reaction, heat conduction and species diffusion, and those from partial combustion products were analyzed in the flames with changed fuel blends. It is observed that, regardless of the fuel blends, chemical reaction contributes most to the exergy losses, followed by incomplete combustion, and heat conduction, while mass diffusion has the least contribution to exergy loss. The results also indicate that increased H2 substitution decreases the exergy losses from reactions, conduction, and diffusion, primarily because of the flame thickness reduction at elevated H2 substitution. The decreases in exergy losses by chemical reactions and heat conduction are higher, but the exergy loss reduction by diffusion is slight. However, the exergy losses from incomplete combustion increase with H2 substitution, because the fractions of the unburned fuels and combustion intermediates, e.g., H2 and OH radical, increase. The overall exergy losses in the DME/H2 flames decrease by about 5% with increased H2 substitution from 0% to 100%.
Key words: second law analysis; flame; dimethyl ether (DME); hydrogen; binary fuels
Tongbin ZHAO , Jiabo ZHANG , Dehao JU , Zhen HUANG , Dong HAN . Exergy losses in premixed flames of dimethyl ether and hydrogen blends[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2019 , 13(4) : 658 -666 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-019-0645-8
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