Impact evaluation of large scale integration of electric vehicles on power grid
Received date: 22 Jun 2017
Accepted date: 04 Sep 2017
Published date: 15 Jun 2020
As the world witnesses a continual increase in the global energy demand, the task of meeting this demand is becoming more difficult due to the limitation in fuel resources as well as the greenhouse gases emitted which accelerate the climate change. As a result, introducing a policy that promotes renewable energy (RE) generation and integration is inevitable for sustainable development. In this endeavor, electrification of the transport sector rises as key point in reducing the accelerating environment degradation, by the deployment of new type of vehicles referred to as PHEV (plug-in hybrid electric vehicle). Besides being able to use two kinds of drives (the conventional internal combustion engine and the electric one) to increase the total efficiency, they come with a grid connection and interaction capability known as the vehicle-to-grid (V2G) that can play a supporting role for the whole power system by providing many ancillary services such as energy storage mean and power quality enhancer. Unfortunately, all these advantages do not come alone. The uncontrolled large scale EV integration may present a real challenge and source of possible failure and instability for the grid. In this work the large scale integration impact of EVs will be investigated in details. The results of power flow analysis and the dynamic response of the grid parameters variation are presented, taking the IEEE 14 bus system as a test grid system.
Key words: PHEV; vehicle-to-grid (V2G); technical impact; IEEE 14 bus; power flow analysis
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