Analysis of a 1 kW organic Rankine cycle usinga scroll expander for engine coolant and exhaust heat recovery
Received date: 31 Jul 2017
Accepted date: 20 Oct 2017
Published date: 14 Dec 2017
The development of engine waste heat recovery technologies attractsever increasing interests due to the rising strict policy requirementsand environmental concerns. This paper presented the study of enginecoolant and exhaust heat recovery using organic Rankine cycle (ORC).Eight working fluids were selected to evaluate and compare the performanceof the integrated waste heat recovery system. Rather than the conventionalengine ORC system mainly focusing on the utilization of exhaust energy,this work proposed to fully use the engine coolant energy by changingthe designed parameters of the ORC system. The case study selecteda small engine as the heat source to drive the ORC system using ascroll expander for power production. The evaluation results suggestthat under the engine rated condition, the solution to fully recoverthe engine coolant energy can achieve a higher power generation performancethan that of the conventional engine ORC system. The results suggestthat adding a recuperator to the ORC system can potentially improvethe system performance when the working fluids are dry and the overalldumped heat demand of the system can be reduced by 12% under optimalconditions. When the ORC evaporating and condensing temperature arerespectively set at 85°C and 30°C, the integrated engine wasteheat recovery system can improve the overall system efficiency by9.3% with R600, R600a or n-Pentaneas the working fluid.
Yiji LU , Anthony Paul ROSKILLY , Long JIANG , Longfei CHEN , Xiaoli YU . Analysis of a 1 kW organic Rankine cycle usinga scroll expander for engine coolant and exhaust heat recovery[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2017 , 11(4) : 527 -534 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-017-0516-0
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