As the number of sources increases, sizing of the various components of the system is necessary to utilize the resources to the full possible extent as well as to keep the system cost minimum while maintaining the reliability. Several authors have used single-objective optimization methods [
6] and multi-objective optimization techniques [
11] for solving the optimization problem. The objective in the single objective optimization is to minimize the cost while satisfying the system reliability constraint. But, in the multi-objective problem, the objectives include system cost, reliability. Some of the studies have considered pollutant emissions [
11], and mismatch in energy. These objectives have been achieved by using iterative, graphical, probabilistic and analytical methods. The evolutionary algorithms, genetic algorithm (GA) [
14], particle swarm optimization [
15], levy flight (particle swarm optimization (PSO)) [
16] and artificial bee swarm algorithm [
17] are also widely used for the optimization problems. Along with the improved fruit fly algorithm [
18], the harmony search [
20] in combination with simulated annealing and chaotic search has been used for optimal sizing applications. Socio-demographic factors such as different load curves to different type of customers have been used [
22] in which two indices such as human development index and job creation index are considered for optimization. The energy storage has been sized in a PV/wind hybrid system for fluctuation minimization [
23]. Along with PV, wind and battery tidal energy have also been considered for optimization [