A novel method to investigate voltage stability of IEEE-14 bus wind integrated system using PSAT
Received date: 03 Mar 2016
Accepted date: 31 May 2016
Published date: 15 Jun 2020
The maximum demand of power utilization is increasing exponentially from base load to peak load in day to day life. This power demand may be either industrial usage or household applications. To meet this high maximum power demand by the consumer, one of the options is the integration of renewable energy resources with conventional power generation methods. In the present scenario, wind energy system is one of the methods to generate power in connection with the conventional power systems. When the load on the conventional grid system increases, various bus voltages of the system tend to decrease, causing serious voltage drop or voltage instability within the system. In view of this, identification of weak buses within the system has become necessary. This paper presents the line indices method to identify these weak buses, so that some corrective action may be taken to compensate for this drop in voltage. An attempt has been made to compensate these drops in voltages by integration of renewable energy systems. The wind energy system at one of the bus in the test system is integrated and the performance of the system is verified by calculating the power flow (PF) using the power system analysis tool box (PSAT) and line indices of the integrated test system. The PF and load flow results are used to calculate line indices for the IEEE-14 bus test system which is simulated on PSAT.
Satish KUMAR , Ashwani KUMAR , N. K. SHARMA . A novel method to investigate voltage stability of IEEE-14 bus wind integrated system using PSAT[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2020 , 14(2) : 410 -418 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-016-0440-8
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