Robust direct power control based on the Lyapunov theory of a grid-connected brushless doubly fed induction generator

  • M. Abdelbasset MAHBOUB , 1 ,
  • Said DRID 1 ,
  • M. A. SID 2 ,
  • Ridha CHEIKH 3
  • 1. LSPIE Laboratory of Propulsion-Induction Electromagnetic, Department Electrical Engineering University of Batna, Batna 05000, Algeria
  • 2. LAS Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Setif University, Setif 19000, Algeria
  • 3. LGEB Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Biskra University, Biskra 07000, Algeria; UDES Unité de Développement des Equipement Solaires, Centre de éveloppement des Energies Renouvelables, Tipaza 42415, Algeria

Received date: 27 Nov 2015

Accepted date: 15 Feb 2016

Published date: 07 Sep 2016


2016 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg


This paper deals with robust direct power control of a grid-connected brushless doubly-fed induction generator(BDFIG). Using a nonlinear feedback linearization strategy, an attempt is made to improve the desired performances by controlling the generated stator active and reactive power in a linear and decoupled manner. Therefore, to achieve this objective, the Lyapunov approach is used associated with a sliding mode control to guarantee the global asymptotical stability. Thus, an optimal operation of the BDFIG in sub-synchronous operation is obtained as well as the stator power flows with the possibility of keeping stator power factor at a unity. The proposed method is tested with the Matlab/Simulink software. Simulation results illustrate the performances and the feasibility of the designed control.

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M. Abdelbasset MAHBOUB , Said DRID , M. A. SID , Ridha CHEIKH . Robust direct power control based on the Lyapunov theory of a grid-connected brushless doubly fed induction generator[J]. Frontiers in Energy, 2016 , 10(3) : 298 -307 . DOI: 10.1007/s11708-016-0411-0

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