Numerical study of novel OME1–6 combustion mechanism and spray combustion at changed ambient environments

Frederik WIESMANN, Dong HAN, Zeyan QIU, Lukas STRAUβ, Sebastian RIEβ, Michael WENSING, Thomas LAUER

Front. Energy ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4) : 483-505.

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Front. Energy ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (4) : 483-505. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-024-0926-8

Numerical study of novel OME1–6 combustion mechanism and spray combustion at changed ambient environments

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For a climate-neutral future mobility, the so-called e-fuels can play an essential part. Especially, oxygenated e-fuels containing oxygen in their chemical formula have the additional potential to burn with significantly lower soot levels. In particular, polyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers or oxymethylene ethers (PODEs or OMEs) do not contain carbon-carbon bonds, prohibiting the production of soot precursors like acetylene (C2H2). These properties make OMEs a highly interesting candidate for future climate-neutral compression-ignition engines. However, to fully leverage their potential, the auto-ignition process, flame propagation, and mixing regimes of the combustion need to be understood. To achieve this, efficient oxidation mechanisms suitable for computational fluid dynamics (CFD) calculations must be developed and validated. The present work aims to highlight the improvements made by developing an adapted oxidation mechanism for OME1–6 and introducing it into a validated spray combustion CFD model for OMEs. The simulations were conducted for single- and multi-injection patterns, changing ambient temperatures, and oxygen contents. The results were validated against high-pressure and high-temperature constant-pressure chamber experiments. OH*-chemiluminescence measurements accomplished the characterization of the auto-ignition process. Both experiments and simulations were conducted for two different injectors. Significant improvements concerning the prediction of the ignition delay time were accomplished while also retaining an excellent agreement for the flame lift-off length. The spatial zones of high-temperature reaction activity were also affected by the adaption of the reaction kinetics. They showed a greater tendency to form OH* radicals within the center of the spray in accordance with the experiments.

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oxygenated fuels / reaction kinetics / oxidation mechanisms / computational fluid dynamics (CFD) / oxymethylene ethers (OME) / e-fuels / multi-injection / spray-combustion

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Frederik WIESMANN, Dong HAN, Zeyan QIU, Lukas STRAUβ, Sebastian RIEβ, Michael WENSING, Thomas LAUER. Numerical study of novel OME1–6 combustion mechanism and spray combustion at changed ambient environments. Front. Energy, 2024, 18(4): 483‒505


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This work was the scientific result of a research project undertaken by the Research Association for Combustion Engines eV (FVV). The work at the SJTU was funded by the National Key R&D Program of China (Grant No. 2022YFE0209000) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 52022058). Parts of this work were funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWi) through the German Federation of Industrial Research Associations eV (AiF). The work at the TU Wien was funded by the Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology (BMVIT) through the Austrian Research Promotion Agency (FFG, Grant No. 874418). The research was conducted in the framework of the collective research networking program (CORNET) project “eSpray.” The computational results presented were achieved using the Vienna Scientific Cluster (VSC) via the funded project No. 71485.

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The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


C2H2Acetylene molecule
CFDComputational fluid dynamics
CH2OFormaldehyde molecule
CH3O(−CH2O)n−CH3Polyoxymethylene dimethyl ether molecule
ECNEngine Combustion Network
FSTInstitute of Fluid System Technology
ID/IDTIgnition delay timeJSR
LESLarge Eddy Simulation
OHHydroxyl radical
OMEOxymethylene ethers
PODEPolyoxymethylene dimethyl ethers
OP1ECN Spray A low temperature conditions (800 K, 22.8 kg/m3, 15% O2)
OP2ECN Spray A conditions (900 K, 22.8 kg/m3, 15% O2)
OP3ECN Spray A high temperature conditions (1000 K, 22.8 kg/m3, 15% O2)
OP4ECN Spray A conditions with multi-injection (900 K, 22.8 kg/m3, 15% O2
OP5ECN Spray A high oxygen content conditions (900 K, 22.8 kg/m3, 21% O2)
RANSReynolds averaged Navier–Stokes equations
SJTUShanghai Jiao Tong University
SOCStart of combustion
SOIStart of injection
CAInjector nozzle hole area contraction coefficient
kPre-exponential factor of reaction
m˙Mass flow
SSensitivity coefficient
ZMixture fraction
ZiElement mass fraction
τIgnition delay time
ϕEquivalence ratio
ϕΩOxygen equivalence ratio
ΩOxygen ratio


2024 The authors (2024). This article is published with open access at link. and
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