Analysis of molten metal spreading and solidification behaviors utilizing moving particle full-implicit method


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Front. Energy ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 959-973. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-021-0753-0

Analysis of molten metal spreading and solidification behaviors utilizing moving particle full-implicit method

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To retrieve the fuel debris in Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plants (1F), it is essential to infer the fuel debris distribution. In particular, the molten metal spreading behavior is one of the vital phenomena in nuclear severe accidents because it determines the initial condition for further accident scenarios such as molten core concrete interaction (MCCI). In this study, the fundamental molten metal spreading experiments were performed with different outlet diameters and sample amounts to investigate the effect of the outlet for spreading-solidification behavior. In the numerical analysis, the moving particle full-implicit method (MPFI), which is one of the particle methods, was applied to simulate the spreading experiments. In the MPFI framework, the melting-solidification model including heat transfer, radiation heat loss, phase change, and solid fraction-dependent viscosity was developed and implemented. In addition, the difference in the spreading and solidification behavior due to the outlet diameters was reproduced in the calculation. The simulation results reveal the detailed solidification procedure during the molten metal spreading. It is found that the viscosity change and the solid fraction change during the spreading are key factors for the free surface condition and solidified materials. Overall, it is suggested that the MPFI method has the potential to simulate the actual nuclear melt-down phenomena in the future.

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molten metal spreading / solidification / particle method / severe accident / fuel debris / decommissioning

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Ryo YOKOYAMA, Masahiro KONDO, Shunichi SUZUKI, Koji OKAMOTO. Analysis of molten metal spreading and solidification behaviors utilizing moving particle full-implicit method. Front. Energy, 2021, 15(4): 959‒973


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This study was partially supported by the Mitsubishi Heavy Industry (MHI).


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