Energy efficiency of small buildings with smart cooling system in the summer


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Front. Energy ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 651-660. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-020-0699-7

Energy efficiency of small buildings with smart cooling system in the summer

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In this paper, a novel cooling control strategy as part of the smart energy system that can balance thermal comfort against building energy consumption by using the sensing and machine programming technology was investigated. For this goal, a general form of a building was coupled by the smart cooling system (SCS) and the consumption of energy with thermal comfort cooling of persons simulated by using the EnergyPlus software and compared with similar buildings without SCS. At the beginning of the research, using the data from a survey in a randomly selected group of hundreds and by analyzing and verifying the results of the specific relationship between the different groups of people in the statistical society, the body mass index (BMI) and their thermal comfort temperature were obtained, and the sample building was modeled using the EnergyPlus software. The result show that if an intelligent ventilation system that can calculate the thermal comfort temperature was used in accordance with the BMI of persons, it can save up to 35% of the cooling load of the building yearly.

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smart home / heating and cooling systems / saving energy / optimal consumption of energy

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Yazdan DANESHVAR, Majid SABZEHPARVAR, Seyed Amir Hossein HASHEMI. Energy efficiency of small buildings with smart cooling system in the summer. Front. Energy, 2022, 16(4): 651‒660


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