Technological development of multi-energy complementary system based on solar PVs and MGT
Xiaojing LV, Yu WENG, Xiaoyi DING, Shilie WENG, Yiwu WENG
Technological development of multi-energy complementary system based on solar PVs and MGT
The complementary micro-energy network system consisting of solar photovoltaic power generation (solar PVs) and micro-gas turbine (MGT), which not only improves the absorption rate and reliability of photovoltaic power, but also has the advantages of low emission, high efficiency, and good fuel adaptability, has become one of the most promising distributed power systems in the field of micro grid. According to the development of current technology and the demand of actual work, this research described the domestic and foreign development of micro-energy network system based on solar PVs and MGT. Moreover, it analyzed the challenges and future development regarding the micro-energy network system in planning and design, energy utilization optimization and dispatching management, and system maintenance, respectively. Furthermore, it predicted the future development of the key technology of the multi-energy complementary system. These results will be beneficial for the progress of this field both in theory and practice.
renewable energy / solar photovoltaic power generation / micro gas turbine / multi-energy complementary system / micro-energy network
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