Integrated energy in Germany–A critical look at the development and state of integrated energies in Germany


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Front. Energy ›› 2018, Vol. 12 ›› Issue (4) : 493-500. DOI: 10.1007/s11708-018-0570-2

Integrated energy in Germany–A critical look at the development and state of integrated energies in Germany

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In the face of global warming and a scarcity of resources, future energy systems are urged to undergo a major and radical transformation. The recognition of the need to embrace renewable energy technologies and to move toward decarbonization has led to significant changes in the German energy generation, consumption and infrastructure. Ambitious German national plans to decrease carbon dioxide emissions on one side, and the unpredictable and volatile nature of renewable energy sources on the other side have elevated the importance of integrated energies in recent years. The deployment of integrated technologies as a solution to interlink various infrastructures creates opportunities for increasing the reliability of energy systems, minimizing environmental impacts and maximizing the share of renewable resources. This paper discusses the role of integrated energy systems in supporting of sustainable solutions for future energy transitions. Moreover, the reinforcement of this movement with the help of different technologies will be discussed and the development of integrated energy systems in Germany will be reviewed.

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integrated energy / renewable energies / energy transition / power-to-gas / power-to-heat / power-to-mobility / energy storage

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Saman AMANPOUR, Daniel HUCK, Mark KUPRAT, Harald SCHWARZ. Integrated energy in Germany–A critical look at the development and state of integrated energies in Germany. Front. Energy, 2018, 12(4): 493‒500


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